So I started by having to unscrew the inner chassis of the S4 Mini, in order to more easily remove the HDPLEX-300 from the case. THANK GOODNESS I didn't use the LCDGLUE I had on the back of it to tape it to the front bezel of the S4 Mini, as you can see it came up nicely:
HDPLEX was carefully unplugged and out of the case:
Looks clean!
So I started with 1 coat of JB-WELD Epoxy. I squeezed the 2 parts out and mixed them, and applied 1 healthy dab to each inductor coil:
then I waited 20 minutes for it to set (not cure), and then I applied the 2nd coat:
So while the 2nd coat of epoxy was setting, I peeled off the 2 strips of LCDGLUE tape that I had on the back of them, to better mate the backplate of the HDPLEX with my S4 Minis inner chassis. You can see the tape rolled up on the table to the right:
Looks even MORE CLEAN!
Plugged everything back in:
2. But before I plugged it all back in, I did some cable management for my SATA cables..
3. So I ran coil whine tests:
Unigine Valley DX9 Before:
Unigine Valley DX9 After:
Unigine Heaven DX9 Before:
Unigine Heaven DX9 After:
Forza Horizon 3 Loading Before:
Forza Horizon 3 Loading After:
Forza Horizon 3 Intro Before:
Forza Horizon 3 Intro After:
In person it seems as though the coil whine from the HDPLEX-300 still exists but it about 50% to 75% quieter than before!

I literally have to put my ear 5 inches from it to hear the whine now. Whereas before I could be sitting across the room and I'd hear it.
4. I finally got all my regular traveling gaming equipment in my backpack to test fit it with my S4 Mini, power brick and cables!
S4 Mini, Power Brick & Keyboard compartment:
When I zip it up I can fit my Official Gamecube adapter and the 4 wavebird receivers on top!
The 4 wavebirds fit just fine with the joysticks loose and not bent, in the 2nd compartment:
And in the front compartment, my Surge Protector, Power Cables, and HDMI cables all reside without problem:
Closed up, the backpack looks great, only a small bulge: