We can still keep a discussion going on what changes and fixes everyone would like to see in the next revision. Some of it may influence the design, however, the design may not be revealed until later. The following changes are certain:
- All cases will only be available in black, at least in the beginning
- Reason: black is the most popular color and decreasing the number of colors makes quality control and inventory management easier
Shucks. Do you expect going back to multiple colors in the near future? I had my eyes on a grey Velka 5.
- The new power buttons will have a more tactile feel and have optional white illumination
Is the new power button "shorter" than the old one or same dimensions? I know some people ran in to clearance issues with very wide graphics cards.
The primary focus of this upcoming revision is to fix all of the functional issues the 1.x revisions have had, and then give the cases a more characteristic appearance. The previous revisions have a somewhat generic appearance that is easy to copy because they were originally designed for very small batches.
Exciting! But also a little worrisome. I really dig the minimalistic, no-nonsense look of the Velkas. I hope you keep the same design language
All in all, it sounds very exciting and I'll keep my eyes peeled for any updates