Production ONE2 DISTRO 400 - A 12V Power distribution board


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Mar 6, 2016

I'm guessing you will be selling a Meanwell 400W bundle with this?

I stocked some GST280A12-C6P, 250W external brick.

It'll serve as a lower priced alternative to the HDPlex 400 for the S4M. Brick + DC ATX is $200ish. Vs hdplex $230. But the total consumption is reduced to 250W continuous. Currently there's no option between 160W and 300W so this is a nice alternative. It is also much smaller and easier to build than the hdplex 400.

I am sample testing right now to make sure they work safely.
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Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Mar 6, 2016
That is INSANELY affordable.

12V is the future!!

Is it? I think I need to raise the prices a bit then... :D It's about $90 per kit if you go kit it out.

$45 for just the board. Which is also viable if you're a modder.

To be clear, full disclosure I also lack safety certifications. DC-DC products certification is generally not required, but HDPLEX I believe certifies theirs.
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Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Is it? I think I need to raise the prices a bit then... :D It's about $90 per kit if you go kit it out.

$45 for just the board. Which is also viable if you're a modder.

To be clear, full disclosure I also lack safety certifications. DC-DC products certification is generally not required, but HDPLEX I believe certifies theirs.

Please don't. XD

I'll just be getting the board, as I already have a picopsu 150XT, and a 450W 12v psu. Way more affordable than HDPlex.

I don't think anyone was expecting or wants certifications; they raise cost.