Regarding costs.The shipping is one thing but can we do something about the import tax?
I know that there is a practice in for example ebay,that in order to bypass the insane tax, the seller often asks for the family name and sends the bought product marked as a ¨¨gift¨¨.I was told by a few friend from Spain that this does work.(but im not sure if always or when done right).
Still that tax is killing it(here in Spain i think is 21-22%).
If anyone have any gheto ideas?(im not sure if cocaine boats will do the trick )
With the risk of Iboh pulling his hair out, i still have a feeling that if this was done with lian li,most people should've had a case right now.
I know that there is a practice in for example ebay,that in order to bypass the insane tax, the seller often asks for the family name and sends the bought product marked as a ¨¨gift¨¨.I was told by a few friend from Spain that this does work.(but im not sure if always or when done right).
Still that tax is killing it(here in Spain i think is 21-22%).
If anyone have any gheto ideas?(im not sure if cocaine boats will do the trick )
With the risk of Iboh pulling his hair out, i still have a feeling that if this was done with lian li,most people should've had a case right now.