Cerberus has landed, friends.
Congratulations on reaching this point! I am still trying to decide if I need a handle, but I will be a supporter by the end of the day.
(guys, the video is good, but that audio quality...)
Yes, the shipping is a bit ridiculous. And that's with the bulk discount we get through our fulfillment partner, believe it or notWe expected it to be high given it's international (NCASE charged $65 to ship theirs globally, for example) but we weren't expecting it to peak at ~$120 in some areas.
We're still working on trying to find a way to bring that down as much as possible, but it's challenging because of the nature of international shipping. Specific regions will be significantly less expensive, though, and we've manually set pricing for those. If and when we have updates here, we'll share them - for now though, we only want to promise what we know we can get.
Those "some areas" is the majority of the world. shipping is 109/121$ in every country except for Russia, Canada and Us. I've worked a lot with international shipping partners, and it seems to me that this was a comfortable choice of partner.
I also miss some kind of setup of the funding allocation.
I'm not meaning to be negative, but I think it's a shame that this awesome case is "ruined" by these ridiculous shipping rates. Mind this is ex. vat, so getting this case will be extremely expensive for a lot of people.
Shipping price is expensive, I still don't understand how this is possible in the US.
I can ship anywhere in the world for €66 incl. 21% tax and this is consumer shipping rates and insured up to €5500.
If that $121 is with import duties I can relate a little, but if it is just the shipping I'm hoping you can manage a way to reduce it.
How will the colour and option selection work upon the completion of the campaign? Is there going to be an email that I receive that will let me select my options, or is it done through Kickstarter?
Kickstarter lets us send a poll to all backers after the campaign ends. We'll be collecting color and other preferences that way!