NFC S4 Mini : Enthousiast version (Core i7 6700K + R9 Nano)


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
No risk at all.
NFC S4 mini has an included SSD bracket that could hold 2 disk (2.5" size). I'm using it on my next build in NFC 4 mini, and it's working well.

ps : Sure I played a lot WoT...but now I'm playing at WoWs and AW..:D
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Smallform Gaming

Cable-Tie Ninja
Aug 10, 2016
Thanks. I was actually trying to get away with not using the bracket.
My plan is to stick one of these minimalistic M.2 to SATA III adapter cards to the front plate in the same way that the HDPLEX is only on the other side. The card is approximately 101mm long. I was wondering if there is enough space to do this. I'm guessing there is but I don't have my S4 yet. :)


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
I understand...that's a great idea even! This could also ease new integration of my r9 nano..thx for the tip of this converter m.2 to sata.


Standards Guru
Sep 3, 2015
Bear in mind, that only supports SATA M.2 drives (Such as the M.2 version of the Samsung 850 EVO), not PCIe drives like the Samsung 950 or most other drives released recently.
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Smallform Gaming

Cable-Tie Ninja
Aug 10, 2016
Yes, this is true.
The EVO is the one I am using.
It is plenty fast for what I need and the 250 EVO is one of the lowest wattage pieces I could find.
Here is a pic of it forward mounted on my Travla case. Please pardon the horrible wire management.


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
Even if it's only related to sata m.2 it's an interesting option..:)
My 950 pro is shining only since i reinstalled windows 7 (forced..:)), maybe there was some dust or I mis assmbled it before.

Truly a potential idea this combo m.2/sata


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
I'll give a try (i hope this week end) to optimised airflow for S4 mini version like here :

If successful (meaning similar noise level as in my bitfenix phenom), I might keep using s4 mini as main gaming computer...:)

I keep you tuned..:)
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Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
Well I've tried and failed to test because I broke my power button...clearly without front bezel low profile button is mandatory.

Hopefully Josh is really supportive, it will take 2-3 more weeks for experiments


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
At last here is a good news : as you may already know, after transfer of my hardware from my S4 mini to my bitfenix Phenom, for unknown reason, I've lost my windows 10 installation...:(
By default I decided to install one windows 7 OS...preparing myself to pay for OEM licence for windows 10 (as now migration from windows 7 to windows 10 is not free) I dug inside how windows 10 is activating itself, I decided to try to migrate from windows 7 to windows 10 anyway as this PC was already working on windows 10 before works 10 is back and fully functionnal..:)

PS : I truly like some windows 10 features, like "reset PC" option that allow to clean you's so useful..:) Definitively, Microsoft improved installation management of their OS.


Average Stuffer
Apr 17, 2016
Well I've tried and failed to test because I broke my power button...clearly without front bezel low profile button is mandatory.

Hopefully Josh is really supportive, it will take 2-3 more weeks for experiments

You can just insert a small flathead screwdriver to the PWR pinheaders on the mobo to jumpstart the system.
I bought a shorter bodied vandal switch for myself too tho, the regular 16mm switch that PC stores sell was way too long to be mounted with my Asus Z170 board in the case.


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
That's exactly what i did to identify the faulty button ( connect the 2 pins on MB)..:)

Josh is preparing me another low profile vandal button..I'm not at all in a i'm really enjoying my define nano s as main gaming computer (cpu passive cooling with noctua u9s on's amazing...:))...i'm reaching low noise gaming computer...even coil whining is mostly absorbed by case itself (thanks to foam on case panels and closed design panel)...i clearly liked it..:)


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
What riser is that?

Been wondering myself that the classic mini don't really need a flexible riser, you mind telling me what model did you use, if you remember?
for PCIe riser, it was the first ones sold by NFC in 2016...;)
It was before NFC proposed HDPlex riser...seems so old days...but it was 3 years ago..:D