Thanks! I hope to make a little build log of grinding ac-dc unit and making brickless(Skyreach + Gigabyte gtx1080 + Dynamo combo) build
Oh, right! It's 21383
everything else is here waiting to get assembled ...
I'm with you, my inno3d 2070 is still sitting in its box, the x470 board & CPU are already installed in my s4m as well. I can't put how anxious I've been into words.
What are you planning to do to make it fit?
I went for the Zotac 2060. It's slightly higher than the inno 3d, but the power connecter is more inside the card, instead of flush with the side on the inno3d.
I was supposed to be in first batch shipping from Germany.
Nice ! That means I'll make the first batch too since I ordered late evening in on the 1stI asked Larry.