1) For me the purpose of buying S4M instead of, say, Dan-A4 is an ultimate opportunity to unplug 3 wires off the case, drop it in the backpack and travel to another workplace that already has a c8 connector laying on the table for me. No "pick up brick, wrap wires around it, place it safely in the backpack" fuss, just one brickless case, simple as that.
2) By far not anyone has a brick laying next to surge protector. I love minimalism and try to keep all wires hidden under the table with some ikea tools. That way I avoid wire cluster near the socket and near the case. Detaching brick from under the table every time I need to move is a hell.
For me a brickless Gigabyte GTX1080 build is a total H Y P E, the less stuff I need to put in a backpack and less time I need to spend repluging it - the happier person I am.