Important reminder: the JIMU D+ seller's Alipay account and Taobao store were stolen, and everyone who ordered this case needs to cancel the order and initiate a refund immediately (I just did it). The seller transferred all the items to a
different store for now, and you can order again there if you still want. The seller created to address this issue and you may contact the seller there if you don't use QQ or wechat (don't try to contact the original aliwangwang account, as it's now controlled by the thief). If you see that the item was already shipped (by the thief), you need to report the case to Taobao; otherwise, you money is at risk.
(ps: i'm only here to share the message based on my understanding at a good will, and I'm not responsible for the authenticity of the message. Please verify the fact by yourself.)