What did you do today?


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Congrats Rusty !

Today I managed to bork my Windows install. In Event Viewer I noticed errors from DCOM. Looking it up, it pointed towards permission issues which I tried to fix. My experience with important services and runtimes having permission issues have rarely lead to a solution, more often than not I ended up worse. So I made a 'restore point'.

After adjusting the settings, more errors popped up, also DCOM related. OK restore the restore point. Failed... Oh boy. Let's see the damage: I can't shutdown the PC from the start menu, the start menu search doesn't work, etc etc. I could have continued to quest to revive this install but I'm not optimistic. Luckily I can still manage to backup everything, so I'll be spending today reinstalling Windows.


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Brought my wife, son and and newborn son home from the hospital today.

All went great, now it's time to sleep!

Congratulation !



S̳C̳S̳I̳ ̳f̳o̳r̳ ̳l̳i̳f̳e̳
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Jul 19, 2015
i tried to fight a wither on the SFFn Minecraft server, on my own, totally unprepared. Now its loose on the server until i can corral someone else into helping me murder it
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SFF Guru
Jun 22, 2015
Managed to (fingers crossed) sort out my GPU driver issue. Played for about an hour last night without crashing the GPU.

Dang, not so much. Crashed with reboot when loading a different game (Lego Marvel Super Heroes) that my son wanted to play with Dad.

Going to try reimaging from a system backup (performed quite some time ago) - once I have backed up all the local saves and settings that I care about. I fortunately keep most of my "documents" on my local server.


S̳C̳S̳I̳ ̳f̳o̳r̳ ̳l̳i̳f̳e̳
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Jul 19, 2015
Going to try reimaging from a system backup (performed quite some time ago) - once I have backed up all the local saves and settings that I care about. I fortunately keep most of my "documents" on my local server.

Im supposed to be configuring bacula across all my computers to get my own backup solutions sorted (backing up to my server) but its anal and config is a nightmare so killed the wither i let loose w/ @GuilleAcoustic & @LocoMoto instead.


Jul 19, 2015
Im supposed to be configuring bacula across all my computers to get my own backup solutions sorted (backing up to my server) but its anal and config is a nightmare so killed the wither i let loose w/ @GuilleAcoustic & @LocoMoto instead.

I watched the wither trying to get all up j0rd's buckets while shooting arrows at the wither.. anticipating what moves it'd take.. (PING was huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeee XD)
After j0rd was slain I quickly got pwned... after which Guille_ weakened the beast enough for j0rd to take it out.

Quiz: Who of the three knights did not have keepinventory? ;)


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Today I tried to make a Windows 7 VM for dev prupose:

1- Had to manually download the SP1 updates because Windows updates kept crashing at 59%
2- Realised that my virtual drive was too small to install both Windows 7 and Visual Studio ... it was set to 30GB !!!!

Conclusion: I'm glad I moved away from Microsoft XD
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Virtual Realist
May 11, 2015
Gave the bike a long-overdue clean: the recommendations for using 'Kerosene' to clean it make a lot more sense once you realise that's American for 'Paraffin' (and they don't mean using aviation fuel), which works like a hot damn for lifting caked on road gunk.
Received and installed the PP-05E cable set so I could finally close up the A4. Thus ending a week-long game of I-hope-I-don't-kill-my-PC-with-my-toe.
Also gave up wrangling with Chrome trying to get it to accept my old profile. Luckily Tab Outliner can import its database separately, so I don't need to start completely from scratch.


Airflow Optimizer
Oct 10, 2015
I was appointed task leader on a thing. A thing that no one on the task force is excited for because it's arduous and will take 21 consecutive hours to complete.

So I figured some nice vinyl decals for tool crates/PPE/parts bins might be good for morale and cohesion. As the saying goes, basement rats don't get zapped.

Final product:


Airflow Optimizer
Oct 10, 2015
So I figured some nice vinyl decals for tool crates/PPE/parts bins might be good for morale and cohesion.

The operation was completed ahead of schedule and the stickers were well received, which I think really proves that on the inside we're all just children who will do anything for a sticker on the sticker chart.

And now I must nap for the next eternity.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
I worked my ass off (figuratively) until out of nowhere Ryzen launched a few hours ago. I didn't achieve much work at that point... Hype train choo choo !
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Jun 14, 2016
After several days of learning Inventor, I finally sat down and worked out the start of an idea I've had for a while.

This is all I have to show for it. I'm new to Inventor, so please excuse all the little measurements being all jumbled together. Most of the measurements were pulled or derived from Protocase's paper on designing enclosures for mini itx boards. I'm incredibly, incredibly excited to get this far and I'm hoping to continue further with this idea.

The only thing I'm having trouble with is the cutouts for the dual slot PCIE cards; particularly where I should bend the flange, where to insert the screwholes, and the clearance needed for the key slots below the I/O cutouts.

CC Ricers

Shrink Ray Wielder
Bronze Supporter
Nov 1, 2015
Ah, wish I was a student again so I can get the affordable student licenses for CAD software. When I was in art college I took the digital media route (web design and development, Arduino) but the industrial design students were using our workstations in off hours for SolidWorks and that also piqued my interest.

Currently, I'm looking to set up a phone interview with Amazon for a software engineer position and trying to find common interview questions from the company to best prepare myself with.
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Innovation through Miniaturization
Feb 1, 2016
Ah, wish I was a student again so I can get the affordable student licenses for CAD software. When I was in art college I took the digital media route (web design and development, Arduino) but the industrial design students were using our workstations in off hours for SolidWorks and that also piqued my interest.

Pretty sure Autodesk Fusion 360 is free for non-professional use now. I don't know if it will meet your needs however. Link is here:
