Brought my wife, son and and newborn son home from the hospital today.
All went great, now it's time to sleep!
Congrats! (I slept in the hospital room while the wife was in labor -- Marines can sleep through anything :V )
Brought my wife, son and and newborn son home from the hospital today.
All went great, now it's time to sleep!
Brought my wife, son and and newborn son home from the hospital today.
All went great, now it's time to sleep!
i tried to fight a wither on the SFFn Minecraft server, on my own, totally unprepared. Now its loose on the server until i can corral someone else into helping me murder it
Managed to (fingers crossed) sort out my GPU driver issue. Played for about an hour last night without crashing the GPU.
Going to try reimaging from a system backup (performed quite some time ago) - once I have backed up all the local saves and settings that I care about. I fortunately keep most of my "documents" on my local server.
Im supposed to be configuring bacula across all my computers to get my own backup solutions sorted (backing up to my server) but its anal and config is a nightmare so killed the wither i let loose w/ @GuilleAcoustic & @LocoMoto instead.
So I figured some nice vinyl decals for tool crates/PPE/parts bins might be good for morale and cohesion.
Ah, wish I was a student again so I can get the affordable student licenses for CAD software. When I was in art college I took the digital media route (web design and development, Arduino) but the industrial design students were using our workstations in off hours for SolidWorks and that also piqued my interest.
Just realized the big SFFF sticker might actually be a bit to big to neatly place on some of the upcoming uATX indie cases... SFF problems