Was giving the keys of my previous apartment (rent) back yesterday.
A few days ago the agency sent me the new list of stuff they check, 4 pages with double columns. Spend 10 years there, and from wall to flooring, materials are 30 years old.
Normal person would consider that those are just too old, but I was dealing with a renting agency ... So I spent 3 full days and nights cleaning (even washed all ceiling, wall plugs, etc.) fixing stuff.
They even checked if the oven was still working ... The oven is from 1981, please don't be so greedy and change it (the outer glass once fell off, fixed it with ultra high temperature glue).
That, a few other stuff that randomly decided to literally fall with time (ceiling neon tube, decorative wood planks). Agency never cared to do anything...
A few years ago, we got locked outised. The mechanism is so old that the bottom point got a little weak and is now, with it's its own weight, 2mm lower that before. Wouldn't be an issue if the owner didn't stacked multiple layers of flooring, instead of removing the previous ones. Had to force our way because the flooring was too thick for the now too low lock, vinyl flooring got ripped in the process.
I patched the flooring with a coupon that was in the garage. Pretty proud of my fix to be honest (the 4x2 block with slightly lighter color, top left corner)
That whole door is a joke, the top lock point is too short and doesn't even secure inside the frame. The lower one is too long and grind the flooring. You can't swap them, it is not an assembly error.....
Windows .... Well..... They are leaking from the frame

Did I mentioned the taps that are soldered to the pipes instead of being connected through threaded flexibles ?
None of those things are related to my poor maintenance, but again, agencies re not a thing you can win against.
Gosh, now I have this playing in my head lol
Edit: why was I expecting to see a dancing Dead Pool. Go wonder...
I really loved the rendering course when I was in 3D art school. Can be very tricky once you play with advanced options