What did you do today?


Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Started listening to hardbass to stave off late-night homework-fueled depression. It puts hair on your chest and ringing in your ears.

(it builds character)

Also, today I obtained this wonderful product:

from my mom's obsessive Kohl's shopping.

That is one SFF mouse.

I'll use the keypad for crazy macros.

Tomorrow's Friday, so yaaaay! I get to finish Kirby's Adventure then! and then fall into depression since ive somehow been attaching to the game

(I've been stuck on the Nightmare Orb for soooooooooooo long. If someone has an emulator.online SAVE file they can give me, I would be very very happy.)

Don't have a save, but practice makes perfect. I beat it. You just gotta play careful!
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SFF Guru
SFFn Staff
Feb 12, 2016
Day four of the worst cold I've had in years. Still managed to work 6 hours at my physically demanding day job (managed 7 and 6 hours on Mon and Tues respectively). Feels like I gargled concrete and glass.

Also, managed to write an editorial, and continue work on reviews.

I'll rest when I'm dead, I guess..
Get well soon! You're work ethic is inspiring but please pace yourself.

bwhahahahaha haha ha ha! (to the tune of deck the halls)

I think math homework may actually be mentally affecting me...

Also, I basically destroyed parts of my Manjaro VM yesterday and today... uninstalling i3 fixed it, but I WANT A TILING WINDOW MANAGER TO COMPLEMENT THE DANKNESS OF i3, VIMRC, LATEX ON VIM, NERDTREE, AND ALL THE OTHER CRAP I WANNA DO! IS THAT TOO MUCH???

Any idea on how to install i3 without breaking Manjaro? The Arch wiki says that you need to not install i3-WM and then it says to install i3-WM (at least on the page I found on Manjaro that I can't find on Windows)...
I don't know as installing the i3 group shouldn't trash your install. There are other tiling windows that could work for you such as Awesome and dwm.

Assembled this stupid Cherry keyboard:

Oooooooh. Specs?


King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
Get well soon! You're work ethic is inspiring but please pace yourself.

I don't know as installing the i3 group shouldn't trash your install. There are other tiling windows that could work for you such as Awesome and dwm.

Oooooooh. Specs?
Bspwm didn't work for me either, I guess I'll try awesome then. On the other hand, Vim configs are fun and easy... So....
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Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
I dare not even ask why, it can't be good. Unless you've started playing Factorio, then I totally understand.

Was giving the keys of my previous apartment (rent) back yesterday.

A few days ago the agency sent me the new list of stuff they check, 4 pages with double columns. Spend 10 years there, and from wall to flooring, materials are 30 years old.

Normal person would consider that those are just too old, but I was dealing with a renting agency ... So I spent 3 full days and nights cleaning (even washed all ceiling, wall plugs, etc.) fixing stuff.

They even checked if the oven was still working ... The oven is from 1981, please don't be so greedy and change it (the outer glass once fell off, fixed it with ultra high temperature glue).

That, a few other stuff that randomly decided to literally fall with time (ceiling neon tube, decorative wood planks). Agency never cared to do anything...

A few years ago, we got locked outised. The mechanism is so old that the bottom point got a little weak and is now, with it's its own weight, 2mm lower that before. Wouldn't be an issue if the owner didn't stacked multiple layers of flooring, instead of removing the previous ones. Had to force our way because the flooring was too thick for the now too low lock, vinyl flooring got ripped in the process.

I patched the flooring with a coupon that was in the garage. Pretty proud of my fix to be honest (the 4x2 block with slightly lighter color, top left corner)

That whole door is a joke, the top lock point is too short and doesn't even secure inside the frame. The lower one is too long and grind the flooring. You can't swap them, it is not an assembly error.....

Windows .... Well..... They are leaking from the frame XD.

Did I mentioned the taps that are soldered to the pipes instead of being connected through threaded flexibles ?

None of those things are related to my poor maintenance, but again, agencies re not a thing you can win against.

(snip) ... wake you up ... (snip)

Gosh, now I have this playing in my head lol

Edit: why was I expecting to see a dancing Dead Pool. Go wonder...

ran into render issues. turns out turning on optical flow for all footage that doesn't need it introduces artifacting ,_,

4 hours down the drain

I really loved the rendering course when I was in 3D art school. Can be very tricky once you play with advanced options
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Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Oh my sounds like France isn't the place you want to rent housing o_O

Ahah, it's not a French issue but rather an issue of many rents in big cities, especially when you are very close to a capital city.

It's also a matter of "does the owner care for the renter as much as the money his/she sending him ?".

Those 10 years were worth about 120k euros. Owner never fixed anything and the only thing he did was installing a smoke detector (a single one and the cheapest model) because a new law forced him to do so.

He came with a drill which motor was producing lots of spark and a rusted and bended drill bit. Obviously, it was not going through concrete and I, out of pity, lended him my heavy duty perforator and a concrete bit.


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Comcast recently upgraded our service to 250/10 Mbps and my old router can't keep up. And if I turn off the queueing features there's "bufferbloat" (lag). So I decided to homebrew a router using Ancient Technology (i7-4785T + Q87T):

It's just been sitting on my desk like that (plugged in) for a week running pfsense with "fq_codel" queueing. The results are amazing. I'm ultimately going with an EdgeRouter 4 for a more efficient solution, but the experiment was a success.

As a side note, I noticed that Asus never updated the Q87T BIOS for spectre/meltdown so I modded in the microcode changes myself and updated all the other option ROMs and whatnot while I was at it. Anyone interested in a quick guide plus download (use at own risk, of course)? I don't know if anyone actually uses this board anymore, @GuilleAcoustic maybe? I can write it up tomorrow.

I still use the exact same board with the exact same CPU, but with a Tt engine 27 cooler. Really loves it.

What's your heatsink ? It looks like an Alpine11, but I never saw a black anodised one. How are your temperatures ?


Shrink Ray Wielder
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Was giving the keys of my previous apartment (rent) back yesterday.

A few days ago the agency sent me the new list of stuff they check, 4 pages with double columns. Spend 10 years there, and from wall to flooring, materials are 30 years old.

Normal person would consider that those are just too old, but I was dealing with a renting agency ... So I spent 3 full days and nights cleaning (even washed all ceiling, wall plugs, etc.) fixing stuff.

They even checked if the oven was still working ... The oven is from 1981, please don't be so greedy and change it (the outer glass once fell off, fixed it with ultra high temperature glue).

That, a few other stuff that randomly decided to literally fall with time (ceiling neon tube, decorative wood planks). Agency never cared to do anything...

A few years ago, we got locked outised. The mechanism is so old that the bottom point got a little weak and is now, with it's its own weight, 2mm lower that before. Wouldn't be an issue if the owner didn't stacked multiple layers of flooring, instead of removing the previous ones. Had to force our way because the flooring was too thick for the now too low lock, vinyl flooring got ripped in the process.

I patched the flooring with a coupon that was in the garage. Pretty proud of my fix to be honest (the 4x2 block with slightly lighter color, top left corner)

That whole door is a joke, the top lock point is too short and doesn't even secure inside the frame. The lower one is too long and grind the flooring. You can't swap them, it is not an assembly error.....

Windows .... Well..... They are leaking from the frame XD.

Did I mentioned the taps that are soldered to the pipes instead of being connected through threaded flexibles ?

None of those things are related to my poor maintenance, but again, agencies re not a thing you can win against.

Gosh, now I have this playing in my head lol

Edit: why was I expecting to see a dancing Dead Pool. Go wonder...

I really loved the rendering course when I was in 3D art school. Can be very tricky once you play with advanced options

Just about died laughing!
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King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
More DANKNESS today... got to moderate an IPSC contest today (sitting for 5 hrs).

Did do some Vivaldi config because Chrome doesn't do enough...

I'll need to acquire another HDD (or maybe... dare I say it... an SSD) so I can run Manjaro with all 8 threads of my system.

More Luke Smith video watching, meaning more Linux ideas (this time featuring markdown and beamer)...