Sep 26, 2018
I begun the work day with collecting adherent mammalian cell samples, which I had transfected 24 h prior, from their cell plates. In order to analyze both the detached cells and adhered cells I had to collect two sets of samples. This resulted in a total of 12 samples. The transfection efficiancy was then analyzed of the samples with the help of a flow cytometer. While the flow cytometer did its thing, I counted the concentration of cells in those samples.
This was a process that took from 10 a.m. to 13:10 p.m.
After that I had lunch from 13:10 to 13:30.
Then I started preparing for the next experiment; collecting cell samples from a cell suspension culture, in order to investigate the doubling time of the cells. This only took a short time, from 13:45 - 14:00. This meant I had 50 minutes of "spare time" before the next timed experiment.
So I proceeded to just take care of 4 other suspension cultures, which needed a change of culture media. I also investigated the health and confluency of 3 cell plates, and noticed I had to split them as well, due to too high confluency. But due to the next experiment starting at 14:50, I only had time to take care of the suspension cells.
14:50, I begun mapping the doubling time of 2 other cell lines, now on cell plates, instead of suspension cells as previously performed above. This was finished by 15:30, work including collection of 12 samples, that had to be counted in order to determine the concentration.
Then I had to take a break from it all between 15:30 to 16:45. At 16:50 I was back in the cell labb, splitting those three cell plates, I didn't have time to treat earlier. 17:20, I was done for the day, and just had to write down all the results, observations and other notes from that day.
Similar work had been performed the two previous days. The assay about doubling time will continue until Friday, so my afternoons will be identical. However, no morning work for Thursday and Friday.
After work, I just relaxed with dinner, a long shower, watched one episode of "Person of Interest" and then immersed myself into the story of "Knights of the Old Republic". Then I went to bed.