You are completely right about asetek pump speed report, it’s doubled...I forgot this during my review. Thanks for reminding it to me.Thanks - unfortunately I don't think my Asrock board will allow DC adjustment of the pump (I was a little forced to go for the Asrock as it was the only one with Optical out). I'm thinking 9v might be sufficient on the pump as I sit about 2/3 meters away - so I might get away with it. I do have an Aquaero LT I might be able to use however.
If I recall, I think Asetek said the pump speed is doubled on some motherboards. 5600 @ 12v = 2800rpm. I run my current maching with a D5 pump at 1900rpm and it's 'ok', so I'm hoping 9v will be somewhat similar...
You are also right, Asrock is not handling dc fan.
Sure you can try 9v or aquaero. What is your cpu?