Cardboard prototypes FTW!
You're god damn right
So, here is the result:
It's beautiful, isn't it? Those lines, the simplicity, just astounding. I love it. The colour and texture also look great. And match my wall.
A closeup of the integrated motherboard standoff posts. I call them "Integrated motherboard standoff posts"™. Really convenient. Slightly out of alignment with the holes in my motherboard, but still reeeeeeally convenient. (fixed that by now)
Here is the system up and running. Note how well the Noctua fans' colors match the case! I'll now have to get a brown fan for my cpu cooler as well.
From another angle. I think i did a really good job of hiding the cables. And notice how nicely the green ram pcb clashes with the black/red gpu and orange/yellow/purple/whatever cable, creating some vibrant contrasts. Just awesome. Also, take note of my "just kinda chillin in there"™ ssd mount. Really proud of this one.
Here is the whole setup. Psu didn't fit into the case because its ATX instead of SFX, and the CPU cooler would be kinda in the way. But that's just a minor thing. Also, you can see my old case sitting next to the new one there. The reason for that is that i don't have my vandal power switch yet, and i have to turn this wonderful piece of craftsmanship on
somehow, so I'm using the power switch of my old case for that. the front io pins are buried below the cpu cooler, so just shorting them is not an option.
I decided that I'll keep this setup for now, as I am really pleased how it has turned out. It's not exactly compact or small, but I think it looks really gorgeous. I don't even need acrylic panels (they wouldn't fit anyways), I'll just leave it open like that. I hope that this case will stay with me for a long time and survive many many upgrades and rebuilds, because it was a lot of work to get to this finished product that has the quality that i was looking for. I would like to thank everyone who helped me design this and motivated me, you are a really great community!
aaaaaaaaahhhhaha gotcha.

You won't get rid of me that quickly, of course I'll finish this off with a proper case and watercooling! But jokes aside, the cardboard prototype works. Everything fit together niceley besides the motherboard holes, which were only off because I apparently can't copy simple measurements from the screen onto cardboard.
What did I learn or realize doing this?
The 12mm cubes are tiny. When doing CAD modeling, you really lose the sense of size for the things you are modeling, just like
@QinX said in one of his threads when he recieved the o-rings for his custom waterblock. It's really funny sometimes.
Second: I can't screw in my GPU. Derp. With the way the IO panel is bent, i either have to leave it just hanging there, or i have to use nuts and bolts to screw it in fron the other side. I won't put holes into the part, as that would look just plain awful...
Third: Making pieces that are 3mm wide out of cardboard is hard. Tape is your friend.
I will maybe make some proper 12mm cubes out of something else than cardboard and reassemble the cardboard prototype with those and screws, as it seems pretty instable right now. We'll see how long the Parvum cubes i ordered two days ago will take to get here, maybe I will then just use those instead. I also already ordered thumbscrews, button head screws for the places where they are not too visible (because thumbscrews are expensive), case feet and the vandal switch. 100€ gone just like that. Oh boy.