How it works and How to install:G-uniq U0 experience suite


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
it is a thread introduce how G-uniq U0 exprience suite works and the way install the psu set into the enclosure.

the G-uniq U0 experience suite includes two main parts,the PSU part :archdaemon directplug,MB tray,PCIE&Power Distributed riser card,cable set(8pin CPU,8pin PCIE),ultimate modded Brick(from 300w to 600w) and 1.8M sleeved 8awg silicone dc cable,here are archdaemon directplug,MB tray,PCIE&Power Distributed riser card:

another view:

U0 suite come with special one-wired version archdaemon limited as main control unit:

the current ability of the power distribution:

code name is U0 FE(Fans Edition):

input DCjack is XT90H which can handle continuous 45Amper:

use dual XT60(30 Ampera each)output :

PCIE(90' angle type)to VGA card:

gold plated pcie riser card full speed pci-e 16x 3.0 with robust stablity:

and its console type enclosure:

the structure is so simple,only 2 pieces:

case width 313mm:

case depth:223mm

case thickness:63.5mm

so total volume is about 4.4L

it side panel is made of pcb with one side black and one side white,you can decide which side facing outside:

dcjack mounting in the middle of the rear:

let's start install the suite:

step 1:
prepare all your hardware,ram,cpu,heatsink,M2 ssd etc.the case support 42mm height cpu cooler:

step 2: place the MB on the MB tray and fasten the screws:

step 3: plug the archdaemon limited and cpu connector:

step4: manage the cable:

make sure the cable beneath the mb route without conflict:

the rear:

step 5: plug the riser card:

prepare the case:

step 6:
un screw the red one and orange one on both sides:

step 7: lift the upper cover at the rear of the case:

step 8:
seperate top cover from the front:

then take off the side panel of the vga side:

step 9:
place the MB tray on the bottom of the case:

fastened the dcjack:

step 10: prepare your vga card(here is Zotac 1080ti mini as demo)

step 11: insert the vga card with cable into the pcie riser card:

step 12: connect XT60:

step13: install back the side panel of the vga side:

step 14: fasten the VGA IO:

connect the power switch and power led:

step16: roooute the wire:

step 17:
install the top cover from the front of the case:the structure acts as a hinge:

step 18: close the top cover:

step19:fasten all screws back:

step20: plug the dc cable and the brick
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Dec 23, 2016
I love the idea of this, but it seems like the tabs sticking out the rear of the motherboard limit this to just your case? (See the below image) Couldn't you have the extra power "tabs" sticking out of the other sides, 90 degrees rotation? Wouldn't that fit more cases without any problems?

they are of a suite


Cable-Tie Ninja
Aug 8, 2017
You mean shorter it’s thicker from looking at it. Either way explains why necere and dan had their undies all in a bunch. They cut their partner out unless nfc is involved in this. But given their recent post history I’d say not.
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Shrink Ray Wielder
Feb 22, 2015
You mean shorter it’s thicker from looking at it. Either way explains why necere and dan had their undies all in a bunch. They cut their partner out unless nfc is involved in this. But given their recent post history I’d say not.
Careful about those assumptions. I don't have, nor have ever had any kind of relationship with either Josh or dondan. I don't think I've ever even had a single conversation with Josh, and dondan and I have only exchanged messages a couple of times. My only working relationship is with wahaha360, and he works with many of these other guys through SFFLab and various joint projects.

Anyway, this looks like an interesting project, though I'd be lying if I said I understood what it's for. I see a PicoPSU, and it clearly still needs an external power brick, but what is the purpose of the backplane?


Master of Cramming
Apr 7, 2017
this project is really interesting.
this riser and base plate combo is really innovative, very 'out of the box' thinking
I am not a fan of the motherboard recess though. I Understand the purpose but its very limiting this to this case and power supply only.
are you working on a more universal unit with this kind of setup?


Shrink Ray Wielder
Feb 22, 2015
To my understanding the purpose is the cleanest experience possible: meaning as few cables as possible.
Okay, I can see that. I probably need to see the finished product, but it seems a little wasted on a case like this, which doesn't look like it has many cables to begin with. Maybe in a larger case with a bunch of fan/drives, but here it seems like just the powered riser alone would be pretty effective at reducing cable clutter.
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Average Stuffer
Feb 24, 2016
Okay, I can see that. I probably need to see the finished product, but it seems a little wasted on a case like this, which doesn't look like it has many cables to begin with. Maybe in a larger case with a bunch of fan/drives, but here it seems like just the powered riser alone would be pretty effective at reducing cable clutter.
Based on the deliberate incompatibility with third party cases it is also a branding consolidation effort, following the path of hardware ecosystem propagation.
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Efficiency Noob
Oct 20, 2017
To anyone that is confused. Gury is building the two products to be ordered together. You pay around $200 and get a small case with good compatabilty, and a powerful (400w base i believe) psu. He however also makes psu solutions that can go up to 1kw in total (450w pico for mobo/cpu/sata and the rest is avalible to the gpu. His bricks are 12v
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Chassis Packer
Nov 26, 2018
This looks fantastic! I’d love to hear from someone who’s tried it, to start to hear about temps across different cpu & gpu selections.