Here is the list of links that should hopefully be helpful to some people that have missed a lot of info. The first half is disorganized and kind of a mess (I will go back and try and fix it). It is definitely not a comprehensive list for everything. I also may have missed somethings, but hopefully this helps people narrow down their search for any questions they may have. If there is anything huge that I missed, or something I should add let me know. It is not done yet (I need to go do some homework), so I will finish it later tonight.
FormD T1 - Useful links Created by threestripevida with help from Pwnedundies & Gerold Dimensions of the case W x H x D (in mm): 216 x 330 x 133 / 9.5L W x H x D (in in): 8.5 x 13 x 5.25 Weight around 3.3kg If looking for a case with true 240/280 AIO support, go here (FormD P1): https://smallfor...
I wanna thank
@pwnedundies for helping with this and for giving some feedback on the list of information in the sheet.