DAN A4-SFX v4.1


Caliper Novice
Sep 22, 2020
Not quite, the Fan's embossed sticker hits the side panels and obstructs the spinning...
No backplate is the way to go!

I actually found out the back plate makes zero difference (temp or fit). The problem is actually the fan shroud. Also -- I used rubber pads instead of the foam ones.
I forgot that the foam pads can compress with sustained pressure so the plastic/rubber ones will work much better.
Like a glove

haha thank you, damn EVGA and their fancy fans and their "E" stickers


Cable Smoosher
Sep 23, 2020
@unknownexception Great work! Have you managed to fit the 645LT yet? I can't stand the noise from my air coolers..

Also, do you reckon that it's safe to add that stress to the shroud? Can you close the side panel well or does it bulge?


Case Bender
New User
Nov 20, 2019
Can you try to remove just the shroud? From the pictures around seems that you have just to remove a bunch of screws in the front and on top of the shroud itself without touching other components of the card.


Case Bender
New User
Nov 20, 2019
also i think it will possible to remove completely the shroud and the fans and swap them with noctua nfa9x14.
The normal vga fan is 88mm x 15mm instead the noctua is 14mm in height, so you can gain than 1mm that you need to succesfully close the case. Also from the disassembly video around the evga has 3 standard 4 pin pwm connectors for the fans, so changing will be quite easy and also you will have a much silent rig.
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Cable Smoosher
Sep 23, 2020
Just a little heads up: 3080 FE fits with 0 issues (room to spare I'd say).

Flipped the PSU, but don't know about temps yet. My thought with SFF tends to be "better not check temps so I won't get worried".
That's one sexy card I have to say. Unfortunately, it's not available in Switzerland..


Chassis Packer
Sep 21, 2020
The 3070 FE will most likely fit without any issues as it is shorter and uses a regular 2 fan cooler. No fancy blow through design.

Not quite. The fans are both on the front, yes, but the second fan isn't over top of the PCB, the air still passes through the PCB to the rear of the card.
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Cable Smoosher
Sep 23, 2020
also i think it will possible to remove completely the shroud and the fans and swap them with noctua nfa9x14.
The normal vga fan is 88mm x 15mm instead the noctua is 14mm in height, so you can gain than 1mm that you need to succesfully close the case. Also from the disassembly video around the evga has 3 standard 4 pin pwm connectors for the fans, so changing will be quite easy and also you will have a much silent rig.
  1. That would cost quite a lot
  2. It would definitely void the warranty
  3. It would decrease the resale value by quite a lot

Admiral Vint

Cable Smoosher
Sep 11, 2020
Well, I am switching to Slieger SM580 and will pursue the 20GB Asus TUF version because I don't think the EVGA situation will get better for this case.


Cable Smoosher
Sep 23, 2020
Does not void warranty. You just have to put the original cooler back when sending the card in for RMA.
See: https://www.evga.com/support/faq/FAQdetails.aspx?f=58128

Why would it decrease resale value?

Good to know :)

Also, could you link the evga disassembly video?

Is there turbulence noise from the side panel being too close to the fans? Assuming you can close the side panel without the backplate. Fitting is one thing; working well is another.

I guess that's an issue that impossible to get around with the bigger cards.
And personally, as long as it's quite on idle and low perf tasks I'm happy.

I would still like to know more about how well it fits with the side panel on, noise levels and if the 645LT fits.


Minimal Tinkerer
New User
Sep 18, 2020
Just a little heads up: 3080 FE fits with 0 issues (room to spare I'd say).

Flipped the PSU, but don't know about temps yet. My thought with SFF tends to be "better not check temps so I won't get worried".

Anyway you could get us a few more photos? I'm curious how well the fans line up :) all of a sudden this is looking more attractive than the XC3 to me
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