So I'm kind of finalizing my parts list for Meanwell-only dual-PSU S4M, and just want to make sure, before I splurge - if I always leave my computer on, do I need that load switch from Aquelito? To me, as long as the computer can properly power manage and go to sleep as required, I'm happy. The only time I'd shut down is if the house is really overflowing with guests and we'd have people sleeping in the same room I keep the computer in (in which case, the flashing power button might be a distraction to someone trying to get to sleep). In those cases, I could either unplug the power button LED, or more likely, just shut down the computer and unplug it from power. It's just that, as cool as that switch is, it's a fair bit of wires and extra volume, and I'm not yet convinced I need it...