Production FormD T1 Classic (READ FIRST POST)

Increase volume from 9.8L to 10.5L to support MSI Suprim X 30XX?

  • Yes, worth the trade off to be more compatible with components

    Votes: 116 24.6%
  • No, not worth it b/c it is not better than the ROG 30XX, which fits now at <10L

    Votes: 356 75.4%

  • Total voters


King of Cable Management
Bronze Supporter
Sep 24, 2016
@SaltyMemeBoy I think you may be expecting too much at this point. The case isn't final, nor are the prototypes or even certain decisions for that matter. The info you're seeing could be considered more of a dev diary than case specifications. There are no facts yet, you're just getting some insight in the case development.

Updating the website may sound easy but as long as there are no final decisions, there is not a lot to be said on the site either. And believe me, these things take more than 30 minutes (spoiler, i'm a front end web developer).

You may be looking at the wrong case for now if you want to start planning your case into detail. Have faith in W360 exceptional capability to make a great case but have some patience if you really want to build in it.


Master of Cramming
May 27, 2020
I’m a bit surprised and disappointed to see that you just threw everything out and didn’t use what you had to start the beta testing process. Why not just send cases to testers with the disclaimer that you’re working on improving quality control? At the very least they’d be able to give you feedback on the new features of the case at a basic level.

In my opinion, you have bigger problems to solve right now than quality control minutia in what was supposed to be a preliminary test batch of cases anyway. Your website is essentially useless and has been for months, your release date for this case is obviously a moving target (I would be shocked to see general availability before the end of November), and worst of all, people who follow the development of this case religiously still only have a vague idea what they’re even waiting for. Why not take a weekend to just fix your website and create a product page with enough info to bring people into the loop just a little bit? It doesn’t have to be perfect. All I and many others have been asking for is that it just exist at all.

Whether you’re aware of this or not, you’ve built up a lot of frustration among your own supporters based on problems which shouldn’t be too difficult to solve. Just look at any recent update or order alert post on the FormD subreddit. People are just confused about what’s to come, and even for what’s already available, newcomers basically have to learn by word of mouth how to even have a chance of buying a case.

Kindly, you really need to find a better way to interface with your customers than this forum and whatever drippings make their way to the subreddit which is already managed almost entirely by people who aren’t you.
At the risk of being called a shill, I have to say that I find your walls of text pretty inconsiderate.
Try to see that this is not a big company and that they are actively working towards giving us one of the best sff cases out there.
I hope you're not into keyboards because trying to get a custom keyboard or gmk keycaps makes this look like childsplay.
If you want a polished website, lots of inventory, no waiting time, frequent updates etc you really should not be looking into such a niche segment.


Cable Smoosher
Apr 13, 2020
See, here’s the thing. You’ve already released information about the case. It’s out there. So with that, I’m having a difficult time understanding how opening your website could add to confusion.

As it stands, many people who look into your case or even your company for that matter only get partial information from scattered sources. I say this speaking from personal experience and, again, from looking at responses on Reddit or even this very forum. That is where the confusion comes from. It’s not that those of us who have compiled everything you’ve stated in this forum thus far are anxious because what you’ve provided isn’t enough. The issue is that currently we have to verify everything we know about the case by navigating this 700 page behemoth of a thread.

Since there seems to have been some confusion about what I was even asking for earlier, I’ll make it clear here:
Please, please just improve the landing page of your website to include the semi-regular updates that you post here every once in a while. You don’t need to update it regularly or when you don’t have anything to say, it just needs to exist in a place that’s easy to access for everyone. I’d also suggest putting the promotional pictures (which you already have) of the updated case there, maybe an order button that is greyed out with a message “currently unavailable, release date TBD” above it, and ideally a small blurb like the one you just delivered to me about how the case is still under development and you are transitioning from the previous model 1.1 to let people know why most of the site isn’t accessible and availability is uncertain at the moment.

I personally think this is a very reasonable ask, and if anyone here agrees, please leave some sort of reaction on this message so @Wahaha360 can see. If it isn’t reasonable, I’d really like a clearer explanation as to why.
There are plenty of other options if you disagree with the man's business practices. The fact that his cases go through the "prototype" stages and actually make production is amazing in itself and well all benefit. If you want SFF, its a game of patience. Look at all the other small-time producers here, many don't make it out of design and lots don't go past the initial production run. So good luck getting a case that you want but that's sold out. Go look at the Duncase indiegogo page for a glimpse into how the process is really like (spoilers, backers have been waiting years for a premium $200 atx case with no end in sight).

It seems like you want your cake and eat it too but in reality, you'll have to stick with the NR200s and H1s if you want availability and a fancy website.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Feb 26, 2018
The info you're seeing could be considered more of a dev diary than case specifications.

Damn, this is such a good way of expressing the same thought that I had but couldn't phrase quite right.

I, for one, love that "dev diary" aspect of this thread so far. Case in point: how frothy I got when W360 mentioned that he had unofficially test fit a 280 GTS radiator hahahah. It's certainly a C O M M I T M E N T to the thread though, so in that sense I do empathize with newcomers to the project. Any old-timers remember when we were only like 180 pages in and had folks coming through complaining about having to read a novel just to get caught up? Now it's a proper high fantasy epic series of novels :p

Anyhow, it's been a hell of a fun ride overthinking little drips of potential ideas over the past couple of years <3 If we can keep our collective feelings under control and keep those drips coming, then it'll be rad to keep going as it has been. On the other hand, much respect if W360 decides to keep things closer to his chest until it's release time going forward; a nice sign of the T1 project's growth to date??


Trash Compacter
Aug 10, 2021
At the risk of being called a shill, I have to say that I find your walls of text pretty inconsiderate.
Try to see that this is not a big company and that they are actively working towards giving us one of the best sff cases out there.
I hope you're not into keyboards because trying to get a custom keyboard or gmk keycaps makes this look like childsplay.
If you want a polished website, lots of inventory, no waiting time, frequent updates etc you really should not be looking into such a niche segment.
I really don’t think I made that big of an ask nor do I think I was being overly insulting or aggressive, and I never said I wasn’t willing to wait. I just think I’m understandably frustrated with the way the information around this case is being delivered. As for what @robbee about web development, he uses Shopify. It’s not as if he has to build anything from scratch. It truly is a 30 minute or less process.


a.k.a W360
Original poster
Feb 23, 2015
It's rather rude to insult someone for polite and valid criticism.

Not sure how you interpreted this to be so.

@SaltyMemeBoy, it's not intended to.

I literally said 1) leave the subject, 2) Salty is salty, 3) Salty in his name. I would say 1), 2), 3) are literally stating the obvious. Not sure where the insult applies.


Minimal Tinkerer
New User
Sep 13, 2021
Not sure how you interpreted this to be so.

@SaltyMemeBoy, it's not intended to.

I literally said 1) leave the subject, 2) Salty is salty, 3) Salty in his name. I would say 1), 2), 3) are literally stating the obvious. Not sure where the insult applies.
Well said , just continue making the formd t1 better! , dont waste time on people who want to spoon fed all the information in the world.


Trash Compacter
Aug 10, 2021
It’s true, I am salty. Went ahead and bought a meshlicious. I’ll check back here when there’s more info, maybe I’ll switch over in the future. Specifically if there’s more info on the tower config, someone @me


Trash Compacter
Feb 25, 2021
Not sure how you interpreted this to be so.

@SaltyMemeBoy, it's not intended to.

I literally said 1) leave the subject, 2) Salty is salty, 3) Salty in his name. I would say 1), 2), 3) are literally stating the obvious. Not sure where the insult applies.

Not the "salty" part. A joke's a joke. Rather, the part where you said he/she can't be pleased, despite having quite simple and reasonable requests. It's dismissive at best.


SFFn Staff
Dec 17, 2017
*** MODBREAK ***

After several reports regarding this thread, I hereby ask everyone to get back on the threads topic at hand and stop with any sort of trolling, attitude or similar.
This is a friendly forum and let's keep it that way. There's no need for the mentioned and frankly it's neither welcome, engaging to the topic nor helpful in any way.
Other than starting potentially uneccessary fighting, which no one wants - So keep it nice and friendly folks! :)

Dawelio - Over & Out!


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