1st row: 1024 chassis in silver (silver, blue, red, grey), 1024 chassis + gpu riser cableCan some one help me translate the option available in this listing https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.6639537.1997196601.13.575c7484vO3GFh&id=596207504069
2nd row: 1024 chassis + gpu riser cable + three 90x15 fans, chassis + modular 450W PSU + gpu riser cable + fans
3rd row: chassis + modular quiet 550W PSU + gpu riser cable + fans, chassis + FSP MS450 PSU +gpu riser cable
4th row: chassis + FSP MS600 PSU + gpu riser cable
I suggest avoiding the 'no brand name' 450W and 550W PSUs.