Another round of Taobao lurking...
STX with ITX GPU. Comes in at an insane 220mm * 150 mm *86 mm or roughly 2.8 L. Requires those special picoPSU or dc-dc like what J-Hack sells.
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SF-A4L and SF-A4L-P. Former has 42mm cpu cooler height, latter has 50mm cpu cooler height. Also allows 80x10mm fans on top and front, which is nice.
6.5 L SFX Case. Uses SFX PSU, and can support up to 62mm CPU cooler height, which is pretty neat. Without front fan installed, can support 196mm, with a 120x15mm front fan will be limited to the usual 178mm GPU.
6.9L SFX case. Like above, but now supports 63mm CPU cooler height. Unlike the above case, this one has the 120 x 15mm fan mounted on the top instead of the front. Thermodynamics says this is a better idea. GPU length is limited to 176mm.
Jonsbo T8 Mini ITX
160mm x 242mm x 218mm case = roughyl 8.4L. Case comes with a handle and can support ATX or SFX PSU, though ATX will restrict CPU cooler height from 66mm to 45mm. GPU limited to 210mm (basically that new Zotac mini card)
Sunmilo C01
185mm * 235mm * 280mm = 12.17L case. Takes SFX or SFX-L PSU, and a whopping 160mm CPU cooler along with a 120mm fan in the back or possibly AIO. GPU length 277mm, and your pick of the case on the side, or standing.
G5 Plus
What i'd call the poor man's Apple ITX. 140mm * 260mm * 320mm = 11.65L case. 300mm GPU supported