What did you do today?


Destroyer of PCs
A&M Solutions and Design LLC
Jul 30, 2018
I bout the 27" HP Omen GSYNC for about tree-fiddy nee and it didn't have the power brick. Not I gotta exchange it in walmsrt
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Shrink Ray Wielder
Aug 18, 2016
hopefully my time machine back works just enough to undo the partitioning workarounds for that hybrid MBR setup
oh shit i remembered why i didn't install windows 10 for the MBP when it first came out ( /)_(\ the blackscreen discrete GPU issue
so update: that MBP's made that way, which is to say it emulates a legacy BIOS environment for windows, and neither Apple nor Microsoft decided to tackle the weird limbo that is the EFI strangeness on the period before Windows EFI. I've went back to my previous workaround since Windows can't install a UEFI OS on MBR disks and legacy-BIOS OS on GPT disks ,_,

I've installed the November 2018 update of Windows 10. hopefully the feature updates next year doesn't induce crashing and OS corruption (like my earlier attempt which was to use an OEM DVD from 2 years ago and jumping upgrades)


Trash Compacter
Dec 9, 2017
Installing Manjaro Linux.
I only use a laptop for the office suite, photo editing, multimedia, and daily browsing. I just don't want to use Windows 10 for a while, maybe getting sick of it while I never get a problem (both the hardware and software). I hope I can stay with Linux for a few years.
Just under a week, I already tried *buntu variations (ver.18.04-18.10 of Budgie, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, KDE Neon), Antergos, Solus, and lastly Manjaro.
EDIT: I choose Antergos. Gnome on Antergos is faster.
Solus has almost become my choice, I'm amazed by how fast its booting and restarting on M.2 SATA SSD. I will keep Solus on the partition anyway...
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King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
Back from a skiing trip. Multiple incidents of idi nahui.

  1. When my friend forgot our lift tickets and we had to drive home and pick them up (WE WERE NEARLY THERE)
  2. When some idiot decided that it would be a very good idea to cut in front of me while about to turn on some moguls (bumps for the uninformed).
  3. When some idiot on the slowest way down the mountain decided to basically run in to me
  4. When some idiot driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo decided that it would be a good idea to pass in front of our vehicle then back into its original lane, speeding, next to a stoplight. Then that same driver got into an accident which backed up traffic on the highway back for a while.
At least the rest of the skiing went well. I feel like I've developed a Takumi complex in which I'm completely bored skiing reasonably fast alone and feel reasonably excited when racing against my friends. Hmm. Time to mod a Dell Optiplex small form factor to fit, uh, a Manjaro theme, since I'm gonna run that on it!

Also, I beat Kirby's Adventure! yaaaaay!

(now I need to decide which kirby I should play next)


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
Started to migrate an old Dev on mine to Python + Qt.

This is a multiplayer trading card game engine. At first, it will replicate Magic the Gathering rules, but the goal is to have a cards and rules editor too.

This will allow me to develop my own trading game, which I'd like to add to my bigger game project.

Note: that recent cleaning in my life helps me to move forward and have my dreams back.


Shrink Ray Wielder
Aug 18, 2016
oh hey this one's a large chunk (so spoilers to reduce page length):
  • installed W10 first
    • crap, Mojave Timemachine didn't have a bootable recovery disk
    • Internet Recovery gave OSX LION recovery because that's the base OS my MBP came with
    • Attempted a Timemachine (APFS) recovery to a HFS partition: unable to boot
    • unable to boot to Windows 10
    • cleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaan.
  • Installed OSX first
    • Lioned back OSX via internet recovery
    • went to app store and installed OSX El Capitan (just in case)
    • side note: 2FA on the legacy app store is interesting. you submit the icloud password first then type in password2FAcode
    • started install of W10
    • wait why GPT??
    • okay fine wipe disk in the installer and install windows 10
    • OSX again
    • ...waaaaaaiiiiitttt why is Lion saying the disk needs to be GPT
  • Installed Windows 7(!!!?!!!) first
    • then OSX
    • back to W7 to install drivers and verify HFS partition is there
    • ... oh potential future problem: Bootcamp.msi v6 refuses to recognise the system. v5 (pretty old; not sure if it still is downloadable) does
    • thank goodness I have an old one in my PC! yay downloads bin hoarding!
      (that's generated when installing windows 7 but for the life of me I don't know why doesn't do that in the same BIOS-emulation environment for windows 10)
    • installed W10 in the W7 environment
    • fingers crossing so much
    • BOOTS!
    • BOTH W10 and OSX APPEARS
    • Mojave time, but going back to El Capitan. just in case first...
    • Now Mojave install, BEFORE timemachine...
    • test boot to windows 10. works
    • Machine back to where it should have been. FINALLY.
Installing all the windows programs much much later. GOOD GRIEF WHAT A HORRIBLE WEEKEND FOR SPENDING IT ON TECH SUPPORT WITH MYSELF ,_,

also no more EFI Windows attempts on that MBP. EVER.

I should do a writeup for closure. Felt that I needed some release from that pent up anger


King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
Started to migrate an old Dev on mine to Python + Qt.

This is a multiplayer trading card game engine. At first, it will replicate Magic the Gathering rules, but the goal is to have a cards and rules editor too.

This will allow me to develop my own trading game, which I'd like to add to my bigger game project.

Note: that recent cleaning in my life helps me to move forward and have my dreams back.
ah yes, the beauty of python and qt. will you be using PyQt or the official library?

(there was this one time I tried to run something from PyQt4 in PyQt5. Nothing worked.)


Chief Procrastination Officer
SFFn Staff
Jun 29, 2015
ah yes, the beauty of python and qt. will you be using PyQt or the official library?

(there was this one time I tried to run something from PyQt4 in PyQt5. Nothing worked.)

I am using Pyside2, which is also used by Freecad by the way. Well, it should be called Qt for Python XD.

I'm looking at the official Discord python lib for voice chat.
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King of Cable Management
Nov 18, 2017
Today I decided that I'm rebuilding my X99 system, minus the CL Mercury S3 (too large :cool:). Motherboard has been purchased. It was the only one on eBay so I sort of bought it in a panic. It's coming with a D9L attached to it; haven't decided if I'm actually going to use it.


King of Cable Management
Jun 4, 2018
I found my Raspberry Pi 1 again! Now I have something to stick Arch onto and mess up as much as I want! :D


Shrink Ray Wielder
Jan 25, 2018
@tinyitx do you have the exact variety names ? I'm a huge apple fruit fan !

In addition to the NZ Envy apples, I have seen these 4 (US, Chinese, France, Japan) in the past couple weeks in my local supermarket.
There are other types of French apples. Sometimes, they come in a bag with 10-12 smaller ones. Red ones. Do not remember the name though.

The Chinese ones are red Fuji.
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King of Cable Management
Nov 18, 2017
1. Researched memory. Prices are still terrible.
2. Contacted the dude who I purchased a motherboard from, inquiring as to whether or not he planned to send it out. The response I got, in essence; "yeah whenever I can".
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