So I've been back to school and managed to get into a Game Design course that I've been so wanting to take since I was a freshman many moons ago. It's turned out to be the most fun course out of my entire schedule, though that isn't hard to beat with things like Systems Programming and Real Analysis on my schedule (blegh :<). Our first lecture was a sort of ideas meeting where the professor wanted us to sit down and act like designers at a board meeting spit-balling ideas at each other. We came out with ideas for MOBAs, RPGs, arena shooters, and turret defense games. Fun things.
Other than schoolwork, I've been working on three fiction projects: one sci-fi, one high fantasy, and one a sort of contemporary-fantasy genre. I'm particularly excited with my high fantasy project, which I've made absolutely no progress with since high school when it was originally conceived for a Minecraft RPG server. I've had daydreams of turning it into an animation or a comic in the visual style of minecraft, but for now I'm just fleshing out the world as much as I can. Sometimes I wish I went into writing in College rather than fumbling about with Maths and CS.