Finally managed to use Enums in C# and it feels like a weight off my shoulders. I'll have to have my comp-sci major friend look it over, but it's nice to feel like I can move this project forward another step or two.
FreeCad tutorials are, on that note, also moving along. I realized that I was doing things the wrong (read: most difficult) way, and decided to take a step back in order to refine the workflow. Honestly, as far as sheet metal designs are concerned, just spend as little time in the editor as possible. Spare yourself.
Radian will be getting a re-visit soon as well, following the aforementioned workflow improvements. I was being very naive with the design regarding the back-flanges so I'm taking it back to basics. I think the simplicity of overall construction outweighs the neatness of sliding everything in, but a prototype build would probably answer that question neatly.
TEC is waiting on Radian so, I think it's clear I have some work to do.