I'm still a newbie as far as under/overclocking goes, but what are C-States and Speedstep? And what exactly does disabling/enabling these do as far as effects to CPU performance aside from reducing clock speed under idle? Is it a worthwhile thing to do as far as getting better temperatures in an S4M or S4M-C without losing too much performance? Any ither thoughts on this?Thanks! But josh is right, you may have to tune your voltages like VCCIO if you dont have good silicon. I remember that I actually lowered my temps a bit by using some nicely tuned BIOs mods from @ceski here https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/s4-mini-classic-s4m-c.96/page-209#post-68531 and here https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/s4-mini-classic-s4m-c.96/page-209#post-68579
In my case my 7700k is on an all-core 4.5Hz setting in the BIOS, and its temps were never in the low 30's, always low 40s. BUT once I turned Intel's speedstep ON, and C-states ON, it downclocks itself to as low as like 800MHz when its sitting idle or 1600-2.5GHz when its just web browsing, temps can go as low as 35-36c, thats INSIDE THE S4M-C with side panels ON, it's beautiful. a full 6-7c below the low 40s ill otherwise get at the desktop or web browsing.
And when I applied the BIOS mods by @ceski the temps went down slightly even more, by like 2-3c if i remember correctly yup
And note I always keep XMP on and the LPX modules I got have that 4000MHz XMP profile so they stay solid at that rate without problems... MAYBE it's time i do a round of CPU temp testing on my 7700k, to see if XMP4000, vs whatevere the stock speed is, makes a temp difference?OOOOH IM EXCITED TO TRY THIS
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