We were talking about this one a while back, the image shows the 'SilentPower' prototype (basically this image, and some vague specifications with very little follow-up) which was used to scam people into crowdfunding (outside an official channel, suss much?)
Behold! The Most Insane Crowdfunding Campaign Ever | Hackaday
FYI, ignore Brian's comments about the heat radiation of copper / foamed copper versus aluminium etc., as direct radiation is only a
tiny fraction of the dissipation ability of a heatsink. (He mentions aluminium being a better radiator than copper, and that everything should be black, but as we already know from our SFF experiences, those aren't the critical factors involved)
Heat transfer occurs via
Convection and
Copper [~401W/mK] is a far better heat conductor than aluminium [~237W/mK], which is actually why it's so great for heatsinks and waterblocks. But it's because it allows the heat to conduct from the source (CPU/GPU/etc.)
to the heatsink. (Or to the coldplate, then coldplate to the coolant/fluid, in the case of watercooling).
Given a heatsink is strapped to a heat-source (CPU/GPU/whatever) and not much else, heat conduction
from the heatsink is approximately nil, as air itself is a very poor heat conductor.
Conductive Heat Transfer (engineeringtoolbox.com)
This is the way most heat transfer will occur from a heatsink.
Air flow / current plays a significant role in removing heat from the heatsink, which is rather evident heatsink designs, even more so passive designs as they are HUGE and have large gaps to take advantage of ambient airflow. Even the smallest amount of forced air flow makes a massive difference to performance, too!
Convective Heat Transfer (engineeringtoolbox.com)
Pure heat radiation is by far the least significant way a heatsink will transfer heat away from itself.
Yes, aluminium has slightly higher surface emissivity than copper (although both have relatively low surface emissivity) and black materials would typically radiate heat more effectively than other colours. However the amount of energy that is lost via radiation is so truly miniscule compared to convection that it's a moot point.
Not to mention if you make something out of aluminium vs. copper, or paint something black with the hope of radiating more heat, you're likely to worsen overall performance, by losing conductivity from the heat source, or adding a material that's ends up functioning as insulation impacting the convection performance.
Radiation Heat Transfer (engineeringtoolbox.com)
Of course, in a vacuum or other environment, things would be very different. But thankfully, we're not, cause.. air is kinda important for us.
Emissivity Coefficients common Products (engineeringtoolbox.com)
For what it's worth, here's some comparison numbers, I'm sure we wouldn't suggest coating a heatsink in anything here with a higher emissivity...
Surface Material | Emissivity Coefficient
- ε - |
Aluminum Highly Polished | 0.039 - 0.057 |
Aluminum Anodized | 0.77 |
Black Body Matt | 1.00 |
Copper electroplated | 0.03 |
Copper Polished | 0.023 - 0.052 |
Copper Nickel Alloy, polished | 0.059 |
Paint | 0.96 |
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) | 0.92 |
PVC | 0.91 - 0.93 |
Rubber, hard glossy plate | 0.94 |
Steel Oxidized | 0.79 |
Steel Polished | 0.07 |
Stainless Steel, polished | 0.075 |
Wood Oak, planed | 0.885 |
Wood, Pine | 0.95 |