A few on Reddit r/sffpc perhaps this link will help you find something, might have to do a little digging through posts.
https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/sear...sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all some things to note, although temps won't be too much different, posts about a year ago are from community testers, posts from 9-4 moths ago are probably v1.0, and the most recent (within the last 3 months or so) are
probably v1.1(currently what is for sale). The changes are pretty small, thermally speaking, but the newest revision does allow for a 120mm fan under the PSU, which was only a 92mm fan before(v1.0). This can help, although there isn't a lot of ventilation for the 120mm fan, it still can help a little.