Yes, but are they affordable? The HT5, in my opinion, is heavily overpriced for what it is, and the Thin-X seems to be good, but is also expensive.
If only they released files to the public
I'm sorry but I'm not going to release the files of either the LZ7 or HT5 to the public, that may come across as rude or selfish, but as I'm trying to build a business around manufacturing these products and designing new ones, it would be against my interest to do so. Thank you for your understanding.
As others have pointed out, the value of a product is not just the sum of the materials and manufacturing costs, but also the time, energy and costs spent in developing the product in the first place, the logistics of bringing it to market, the background costs of actually running a business, and not to mention the taboo subject of trying to make an actual profit (how dare he!!!).
It would indeed be cheaper for you to make these cases yourself, but I suggest that you invest some of your own time into learning the skills to design your own case instead of asking for someone to hand over years of development work for free so that you can shave 25% off the cost of the product by making it yourself.
Sorry if that came across a bit harsh, but as
@Biowarejak mentions, complaints about pricing start to wear you down after a while, especially when you are trying your hardest to keep the price as low as possible yet still being a worthwhile venture.
Believe me, I wish I could sell these products for half the cost or less, I know and appreciate the prices are high.
Also, due to the nature of 3D printing, it's actually almost impossible to get bulk discounts for 3D printed parts.
Most I've managed to negotiate was a 10% discount, but that was on a pretty big order!
Thank you! I've been seeing people complaining about costs lately and it's worn me down. Simply put, it's rude to ask a creator to lower the cost because it doesn't fit what you believe it to be worth. There's a cost to doing business and making sure each case comes out nicely, reflected in the price of the product. Not to mention that many of these creators have mouths to feed and still have to rely on other sources of income. Sigh.
That is very true indeed, the profits I've seen so far from Lazer3D is no where near representative of the amount of time and effort I've put in, probably around the equivalent of less than £1 per hour if you count the development time as well. Hopefully that will change over time.
Am I one of those complainy people
Maybe, but then I'm doing the same back at ya, ha ha!