1 more week till tracking numbers get sent to Borg + riser. then it will "factory will be shut for XMAS+NYE..then 2023 flips over"
oh snap CNY is early this year...I wonder if everything is gonna get out before they hit CNY on January 22.
Same as for me: you pay the most money to get the last package. AwesomeThis shipping process is absolutely the most frustrating part of thing whole ordeal. I know I should be just ignoring any claims Alex makes, but now I know my stuff is just waiting to be sent but having no idea when it's going to be sent, it's a horrible feeling.
For anyone watching this thread but not Twitter, Alex has said that the packages with Borgs are starting to be sent out soon. Shipments are being sent out at a frequency of 7-10 days rather than 2-3 days - as is tradition to multiply Alex's claims by 3 to get an accurate timeframe - so this is probably the last one that people receive before Christmas. Still haven't received mine because I'm one of the unfortunate people who added more items to the base kit (extra front, o2 and side panels). I've lost count of the amount of people who have suggested to open up shipping plans to people, but here we are again, guessing when our packages are arriving.
I expect nothing and I'm still let down
This shipping process is absolutely the most frustrating part of thing whole ordeal. I know I should be just ignoring any claims Alex makes, but now I know my stuff is just waiting to be sent but having no idea when it's going to be sent, it's a horrible feeling.
For anyone watching this thread but not Twitter, Alex has said that the packages with Borgs are starting to be sent out soon. Shipments are being sent out at a frequency of 7-10 days rather than 2-3 days - as is tradition to multiply Alex's claims by 3 to get an accurate timeframe - so this is probably the last one that people receive before Christmas. Still haven't received mine because I'm one of the unfortunate people who added more items to the base kit (extra front, o2 and side panels). I've lost count of the amount of people who have suggested to open up shipping plans to people, but here we are again, guessing when our packages are arriving.
I expect nothing and I'm still let down
Same as for me: you pay the most money to get the last package. Awesome
Would have not been simpler as a read-only google sheet instead of excel?Here’s the link and description
Would have not been simpler as a read-only google sheet instead of excel?
Alex, what good is this? What concerns are meant to be assuaged by this list? This isn't transparency, it's theater. There's nothing here that tells me anything really about when I'm going to see my purchases. I can see that my order is on the list, but I have no idea how many cycles it'll take, nor when those cycles will take place.However, I know there's something we can do. I'll make list of the shipping queue where you can see where your order is![]()
Please, after this round of orders, find a new shipping solution. There's no excuse for shipping of only ~1000 units of product to take literally months, especially since you keep reiterating that production has been finished for some time now. I don't care if YOU or your shipping lackeys have my stuff, I care about ME having MY stuff, that I paid you for over a year ago.I know it's extremely frustrating, but at this point changing anything will just cause more delays and potentially be risky. The way I see it, all MJOLNIRs are assembled and are being shipped (40% done so far from the latest batch). At this point, in a couple more shipping rounds all will be shipped, I'd rather continue and get it done rather than to try something new in this last step. Maybe it would work out better, or maybe something goes very wrong; if we continue like we've done the last weeks at least we know to a high certainty things will go well (even if its frustratingly slow).
The same way every catastrophic failure in shipping is handled by any competent outfit: with insurance & appropriately written contracts.Example: a nightmare scenario would be to ship all cases at once and something happens to the truck that is transporting them to our freight forwarder, I don't know how we would solve such a tragic situation.
Why do you insist on using the world's worst & slowest freight forwarder? They can't deal with more than one SKU at a time & take an intolerable amount of time to supply tracking numbers. Yet, here we are, multiple batches on & they're still doing the same terrible job.Another risk is that if we ship to many different bundles at once, they will get mixed up at our freight forwarder, so people will not receive the orders they've pre-ordered.
It's only "safer" because it doesn't overwhelm your choice of freight forwarders, as that seems to be the limit of their competency.The method we use now (shipping 100-200 each time) is slow but quite safe.
Folks have discussed it, but I haven't seen an actual build with one. You would have to get creative with mounting the HDPlex as it is 160mm long. This would be simpler in an air-cooled build than it would in a build with an AIO. But we've seen lots of creative SFF builds here, so (almost) anything is possible. All depends on what other components you plan on having in your build.Another question, anyone try fitting an HDPlex 400watt in this case?