This is genius, such a simple fix (tubes close to the motherboard rather than the opposite side) and one we’ve never even though about
Some more good news, the screws are done and will be sent to the assembly factory tomorrow. They should arrive on the same day and the assembly line has been prepared again. We hope to assemble all Steel cases this week and finally finish Kickstarter / Batch 1.
For Europe, we are still waiting. Sent an email last Friday but no response yet. It’s not under our control but when it’s done we will send the cases more of less the next day (like we’ve done for all other cases as soon as the deals have been finalized).
I don’t think we’re being bullied by UPS because the other ones like DHL and FedEx have been extremely slow as well. At least they are honest with the fact that this takes time. Just because a third party freight forwarder says they’ll fix it a lot quicker doesn’t mean it’s true, since they still have to talk to the big couriers about it + add a profit margin for their work = I don’t see how this would be cheaper or quicker (once all hidden fees are shown) since we have pretty big volume as well.
Covid may be easier for you as an individual now but in some industries its effects are just starting — in particular the shipping industry. I have no doubt we’ll ship 99% in July, we’ve already shipped close to 700 units so it’s not like we’re sitting on our buts doing nothing.