Thanks guys!
Yea I tried flipping every other row around before. It looked more busy because you ended up with some 2-row patterns looking like
^ v ^ v
v ^ v ^
I tried to make it symmetrical by adding one more column as well. It didn't look good because it threw my ratios off. Currently the side panels' vent area have the same distance to the left edge, top edge, and right edge.
The current style is not symmetric, but in a sense "perfectly asymmetric" because if you draw a line |¯| from one side panel, to the top side, to the other panel, all the triangles line up pointing the same direction.
In terms of strength, I actually took home a test sample of a side panel my manu made. It's strong and there's no need to worry. In this pic and other times, I've tried to push into it as hard as I can. No flex and no indication of anything giving.