
Chassis Packer
Feb 11, 2019
Well, glad to see you back on track. Good luck with the project, sadly for me, the old C4 is the best looking case I've seen. Sad that it won't be a reality. I don't even care for layout inside, just that the exterior aesthetics of the C4-old was beautiful. Loved the boxy design and minimal (no power button in front).

Couldn't agree more, though I was excited for this new design, but now when Dan has finished it, its just look like a rip off of the M1 case. I much prefer the old design after seeing these renders. And where are the 2.5 HDD storage options, the old design had two, new design only one..


Trash Compacter
Sep 6, 2018
Well Dan, if there was one take away from the last thread, it's that you can't please everyone.

Best of luck with the new design, can't wait to see what folks build in it. Hope the family is doing well.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Feb 14, 2019
Very nice @dondan ! Do you have an roadmap on your next steps? Also, assuming you move forward with the C4 aesthetics, does this mean the A4 will be getting a redesign in the next rev as well to keep the family looks the same?

I must say after building in the A4 and doing the u/losercard mod, it seems like the challenge of fitting everything in becomes less. But I guess the larger space does give more options in terms of component orientations and another set of challenges to maximize the unused volume in the case! If I ever do upsize (from a Dan A4 and a Velka 3/5), the C4 would definitely be on the top of my list given my past experiences with the A4!

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Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
DAN Cases
Feb 23, 2015
@Navic: I will check how it will look with vent holes at the top. For the power button I can show a different design later this day.

1) I will add a second 2.5" hdd/ssd port at the front that you can use if the PSU is facing to the front and another port under the GPU next to the front.
2) yes
3) I will check that

@Necere: Thank you. Yes, there are some M1 features in this product like the big side vent and the radiator bracket. I honored you already in the first post :) If you you like we can also talk about a good will licensing.
Yes, I already know about the 2mm problem I will test that with Lian Li.

@Metroversal: Thank You

@Vaux: No this is classic layout and a sandwich layout. Furthermore, it is 2.75 Slot for classic layout and 3 Slot for sandwich. Why it is less practical?
There are two advantages of two layouts. 1. More use-cases in one product. 2. Every GPU has a different trend. One generation has a standard height while being thick (2.5+ Slot like RTX 20x0) - this is better for the classical layout. The next generation is higher (like GTX 9x0) - better for sandwich layout.
I think it is a smarter way to have all features of other cases in one product + having new features and this is what the C4-SFX is.

@VegetableStu: Thank You

@Poblopuablo: The side panel has many holes so it will be not 100% straight. The middle clip will help that the panel is close to the inner frame over the complete side.

@muSashi: See my comment to @m-i-c-k-e-y question.

@Rankless: This is true.

@omardesu: Yes, with the A4-SFXv5 I plan a complete redesign of the product.

@draic, @giraffesinmybalcony:
Both of you said the C4-SFX is a M1 combined with the Ghost. This means the Ghost is a A4-SFX with the look of the Silverstone FT03, Lian Li v360 or Jonsbo VR1 (all cases are older as the Ghost). You see Louqe is not the inventor of round corners on the outer sides.

Furthermore, the M1 is a classical hardware layout case with some new features like PSU location and radiator bracket. I used some of the M1 features because it will be a step back to use them not, but also add some new features like a different way of installing the GPU that makes it much easier for longer and higher card (will show details later this day), flip able design, possibility to mount GPU vertical with a trick to provide enough stiffness to the back side of the case that does not require two different backside panels, up to 2x80mm fan at the back side, a new way to mount the SFX that does not require two brackets for both orientations, a change to the motherboard-tray to create more stiffness a very high compatible way of supporting USB-C.

So yes, the C4-SFX has design elements and features of other cases like other cases has features and design element of the A4-SFX and the previous C4-SFX design.


Cable Smoosher
Feb 5, 2020
@dondan can you specify the radiator/fan dimensions possibilities in sandwich mode? I saw you mentioned 17 mm fans, but nothing about radiator thickness :)


Caliper Novice
Jul 26, 2019
I echo others about these issues:

Power button placement is not nice .... until i realise that if it is flipped 180 degrees, it actually looks better with the led at the top and button at the bottom. Is that doable?

The slots at the top looks strange with the holes at the sides.

I would rather go for M1 or Sidearmd. This iteration of C4 seems too big. It is only approximately 1cm smaller than the M1 on each dimension and no real benefits over it. If it can support ATX psu, then it might actually have a better selling point (now that the newest M1 removed ATX support)


Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
DAN Cases
Feb 23, 2015
@newzealot: What led do you mean? Currently there is no led. I will take a look at slot vs vent holes topic for the top panel and show some renderings of different solutions later this day. Same for the power button. It is only 0,3L bigger as the old C4-SFX. 2L smaller as the M1 and

@DKsystem: Yes window panels are planed.


Minimal Tinkerer
New User
Jul 25, 2019
Just a thought, what is the point of supporting 3 slot GPUs if the GPU length is only 300mm? Most cards over 2.5 (Strix, FTW, Trio etc) are over 300mm long. Maybe consider supporting GPUs up to 320mm?

Otherwise, looks amazing.


Master of Cramming
Oct 17, 2017
What's the assumption for not opening up the second slot in vertical mount? It potentially may cause perfect misalignment for some blower cards reducing the airflow. There are also open air cards that vent through the slot.


Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
DAN Cases
Feb 23, 2015
@Wolt87: There is a cutout on height of the GPU behind the inner front area where are up to 10mm more space ;)
@SaperPL: On the back side we have the motherboard cut out this + two or three GPU cut outs will make the back side not very stiff. Modern cards have the important I/O area on the first slot so one cut out is enough. Also hot air can move out through the vent holes around the first slot.


Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
DAN Cases
Feb 23, 2015
@giraffesinmybalcony: I tried different design concepts for this case (also the old C4-SFX one), but not every design does work for every product. The ratio between width and height is important, this is why the old C4 design does not look good on this case. The design with two round corners is better because it makes the case looks slimmer. This has nothing to do with copy currently successful design that are also copied from other products in the past.

@PeterMeier2: I will show what I have to the given time.
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Average Stuffer
Sep 18, 2019
I'm a really big fan of the curved front panel look. It's done and executed very well. The rear is such a crisp and clean design, too. I really like it. The power button, however, makes it look like a Ghost S1, and that's not doing this any favors. The side panels look directly copy/pasted from the Ncase M1 V6. The top vents look like they are from the Dice Cases Flow, although it is possible the vents on this design are perpendicular to the sides and not angled (picture angles don't clarify this too well).
Please don't take any of this negatively!

This leaves it in a strange place where you end up identifying 3 distinct cases in the design language on sight, detracting from the uniqueness of the rest of it. As far as functionality, I think I'm a fan. This is always a such a difficult place to make realistic "requests", but I guess I would point this out: maybe you should consider making the layout with the GPU on top the default layout? I imagine due to thermal performance, this would be the desired configuration (+AIO for the CPU). Making it the default config would maybe prevent any optimizations being overlooked for this?

I can't wait to see how you turn this case into an absolute banger! Ultimately, don't get torn down by the constant clamoring here; feedback and opinions are great, but you are the designer.


Trash Compacter
Nov 23, 2018
this is a slightly smaller NCASE with a Ghost S1 front. Compared to the original C4-SFX I am not really sold on this iteration. I do not see much sense in supporting two GPU orientations. This requires different ways to mount both GPU and PSU, while standard layout will have a lot of limitations on gpu size. Also I think the case has gotten too big to not offer more options for disk storage.

This is taking some of the best features from the T1, Ghost and Ncase molded into one case.

The sandwich layout is dan/ghost. The one where you can flip orientation is a true built in gimmick the T1 uses. And of course the traditional layout with the side 240 rad/fan mount is classic ncase.


Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
DAN Cases
Feb 23, 2015
The old C4 design that was released before the T1 and also offered the flip gimmick.
Last edited:
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Caliper Novice
Jul 26, 2019
@newzealot: What led do you mean? Currently there is no led. I will take a look at slot vs vent holes topic for the top panel and show some renderings of different solutions later this day. Same for the power button. It is only 0,3L bigger as the old C4-SFX. 2L smaller as the M1 and

@DKsystem: Yes window panels are planed.

I may have mistaken the USB port for a power led.



Shrink Ray Wielder
Feb 22, 2015
@Necere: Thank you. Yes, there are some M1 features in this product like the big side vent and the radiator bracket. I honored you already in the first post :) If you you like we can also talk about a good will licensing.
I appreciate the offer, but that's not necessary. You know my position that something as basic as a layout shouldn't 'belong' to anyone, which is what licensing implies (regardless of the goodwill framing). It would set a bad precedent that could be abused down the road, IMO. Giving credit shows respect and is more than enough, and I thank you for that.

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