Ordered the extended case. Just what i was looking for.
QuantumBraced for pointing this case out in the youtube comments. Been long time split between the S4 Mini ( USA shipping/Import Tax = expensive ) / Z270M ( MXM cost way too high. Not future proof ). This case just solved my issues. And from the look of it, the extended case, will allow me to install two 15mm seagates ( if i double stack them together ).
To think the ordering closes today for the next group. Lucky me. And thanks again
QuantumBraced for the hint
Next step... get it past the wife's eye

I think the excuses: "But honey, look how small and clean it looks compared to my old massive Cooler Master 935" will do the trick, if not ... please call funeral home *haha*.
PS: if anybody is interested, may soon have a Cooler Master HAF-935F EATX and several HAF-915F Stackers for sale.