Updated with Review in first Post
Wow! This is very thorough!
Updated with Review in first Post
I think it'd be nice to, in your round up, list the ports on the cards and also mention what resolutions/refresh rates you're able to run your display at by default. Nvidia's Control Panel (in my experience) will let you drive a monitor at whatever it's capable of, but sometimes you have to go in there and test/enable certain resolutions/refresh rates yourself.
appreciate your kind "Thank You"Thanks so much for this comprehensive round-up - I'm in the market for a small 1070 so this is very helpful indeed! I do like the look of the MSI, although it seems to be a tricky card to get hold of here in the UK (and prices have gone a bit bonkers recently, which is annoying). Thanks again for the review.
Yeah, i managed to get one for 439€ here in Germany, so compared to the prices right now, a "bargain" :-)
Hey zovc, damn, thats tempting, but i doubt you want to ship it to germanyWow, thank you for all of this information!
I finally got my new card back from Galax--it's allegedly a brand new card and came in the retail packaging. I'm currently a little too busy to throw together my system utilizing the card at the moment, and seeing how you've got better tools and methods for testing this stuff, I'd consider sending it to you for you to run through this gauntlet if you were interested.
If that sounds worthwhile to you, send me a PM and we can talk about shipping.
Hey zovc, damn, thats tempting, but i doubt you want to ship it to germany
Arent you from the US?
How is the Galax doing?
Anyone in the US find a way to buy the MSI Aero 1070 at a decent price? I've been trying for weeks to find one but I havn't been able to find anything. The Gigabyte and Zotac 1070 units seem pretty easy to find though.
Hey @Broxin just wanted to give a quick shout out for the mod of the HDPLEX connector in order for the 1070 Aero to fit, that saved my ass big time! The connector might be flipped, but the mod is way easier to do than taking a dremel to the power connector, so thanks for experimenting and paving the way!