What did you do today?


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
- got three pounds of freshly roasted single-origin coffee beans from a local roaster
- went looking for the unobtainable HIR2 headbulb replacement for the car, no luck
- enjoyed the sunny weather which we never have this time of year
- washed the car with foam (apple iFoam) and realised it was too dirty just for a foam wash so did a quick manual wash too


Virtual Realist
May 11, 2015

Bike vs. car, car won. Luckily only a severed tendon to my big toe, otherwise appears to only be minor bruising. Looks like 6-8 weeks of sedentary tinkering (and window-shopping for a new bike).


Innovation through Miniaturization
Feb 1, 2016
Bike vs. car, car won. Luckily only a severed tendon to my big toe, otherwise appears to only be minor bruising. Looks like 6-8 weeks of sedentary tinkering (and window-shopping for a new bike).

Completed a Bikesafe course (run by the London Met), some good riding tips and interesting psychology, and incorporated a good overview of the human visual system.

I think you qualify for a refund?


By Toutatis!
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2016
In my job searching journey, a potential employer asked for an OS-like UI demo using front-end technology stack, so I visualize a Javascript OS which can be installed on different platforms / embedded systems in airports:


- This is not a real OS, just UI stuff. And super buggy.
- Not small screen friendly.
- Potential employer's inspiration is Synology's OS (https://www.synology.com/en-global/dsm/live_demo)
- There are other Javascript / NodeJS based OS out there, just Google them :)
- Due to the limited time.. this is one of the spaghetti-est code I've ever written. Built on Angular 2 and Jquery.


By Toutatis!
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2016

Interesting. Never heard that EyeOS before.

I also found out that we can install and boot-run NodeJs (basically server-side Javascript) in Raspberry Phi.

NodeJs can provide access to Phi's Linux kernel, as well as the extensive open-source libraries available in Node Package Manager.

* Rub hands *


SFF Guru
SFFn Staff
Feb 12, 2016

Interesting. Never heard that EyeOS before.

I also found out that we can install and boot-run NodeJs (basically server-side Javascript) in Raspberry Phi.

NodeJs can provide access to Phi's Linux kernel, as well as the extensive open-source libraries available in Node Package Manager.

* Rub hands *
And down the rabbit hole you go. Just don't be late, okay?


Chassis Packer
Aug 13, 2017
@EdZ hope you get well soon!

As for myself just finished building my first computer, built it inside of the Catz C1, however I'm hitting 50C idle, probably too much thermal paste going to re-apply it once I get home. Now some of you might be interested by this, having difficulties installing windows 7, firstly the motherboard wasn't registering so I snag a usb to ps2 adapter and that fixed the issue, next once the installer gets started I can't get past the point where it tries to find the installer either from a usb or optical disk. Using an external optical disk, so I may need to steal my optical disk from my other computer and Frankenstein it into the new one for a little while until the install is done. This is an awesome learning experience and hopefully if other people have issues:

1) try turning it off an on again (worked for my to get the computer to recognize the external optical drive)
2) get a ps2 keyboard
3) pray that someone on the internet knows the solution. (might want another computer first so that you can use the internet...)