If they're so poorly managing their company that they need to immediately queue up the next batch in a rush to beat lunar new year shut down, or in a rush to avoid running out of money as you've suggested, before even receiving feedback from first customers for a case made by an unreliable lowest bidder, that's even more reason to avoid this company. They are hoping that word of mouth from the first batch will drive sales for the second. I get it.
Here's where things went wrong. Louqe came here and to other communities in bad faith. They gladly picked the brains of experienced designers of the community, sweet-talked YouTube influencers into free marketing, then took the money and ran. Radio silence for weeks at a time. What's followed is a stream of excuses, half-truths, delays, and poor decisions leading to an insular retreat into a weird echo chamber on Slack where even the most militant followers have lost faith.
My concern for their timing with a second batch is just a drop in the bucket in a history of poor decisions. When you have respected members of the community saying things like this (even in jest):
... then you know you've messed up.
These cases will have problems. They won't make January for batch 2. These are my opinions, but they're based on reality. Attention lurkers: stay far, far away.
When they go Radio Silence you know something are wrong and delays are coming but they wait and come with new dates on delivery and no explansion on whats causing the delays , we dont know :-)
Like Directs thats are 2 weeks delayed and EU Shipment that im not shure if it leaved China yet for i dont believe Swedish customs takes almost 2 weeks to check out the delivery before it goes to distrubition center.
So i know i will get a Quality product but not shure when it arrives.
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