Log SMALLEST ATX CASE : CERBERUS-X (Complete build log)


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
That video is proving exactly what I thought (and experienced) about motherboards & cpu cooler :
  • Mini ITX boards are not meant to overclocked a lot due to VRM limitation
  • Banish any cpu cooler that are not actively cooling VRM (tower with no bottom cooling or AIO)
Thus I'm really pleased to use a full ATX board, with massive VRM heatsink coupled with a Noctua C14S with 2/TWO fans to cool either cpu, vrm or RAM..:D



Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
Hey now, this isn't universally true. Here's a build of mine (7700K@5.0GHz, Z270I, VRM heatsinks replaced) after 20 minutes of Prime95:

It all depends on the power, heatsinks, and forced convection.
What is your vcore? Is it a delidded cpu?..:)

But what do i see? Isn't it a top-down cpu cooler? If yes, you are just adding arguments in my point of view as your cpu cooler is also cooling your vrm..:)


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
LP GPU with internal FlexATX. A full-size card would require an external brick.


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Yeah, at 7L it'd be pretty limited so not the most interesting case.

At 11L then internal FlexATX, full-height GPU, and maybe even a 240mm rad is possible though.


Spatial Philosopher
Original poster
Apr 1, 2016
New update of my dear Cerberus-X setup.

I've tested to flip side panel of the Cerberus-X : Vents at the bottom, just in front of my sweet MSI GTX 1080ti gaming X..:)

Impact on GPU temperature is awesome : based on similar load (mass effect andromeda, 4K for a couple of hours), my GTX 1080ti core temperature is decreasing from 86°C @2500rpm to 80°C @2000rpm (peak). Globally I'm seeing lower gpu temperature and noise by 5-6°C and 500-600rpm.
With vents located at the bottom, gpu hot air is directly exhausted from case...that is allowing better temp and lower noise.

However, on counter side, no heavy cpu charge is allowed (as my Noctua C14S has no fresh intake), and psu is louder (warmer air nearby it).

To compensate, I've asked @Aibohphobia to see if I can get a fully vented side panel. If it's feasible, it's by far the best cooling solution for the Ceberus-X (I will change cpu cooler fan orientation to exhaust)

What do you think about this change/upgrade of Cerberus case?
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