This is a great price and while not cheap it's probably way more justified than the price Apple asks for the earpods

How do they sound ? While I'm not an IEM guy (it just do not fit my ears), I've been willing to try plannar headphones.
They sound HUGE, they don't sound like IEMs at all, the soundstage and imaging is pretty much on par with any full size open back, super wide and accurate. Audeze actually calls them in ear "headphones"
Bass extends flat to 20hz, extremely quick and punchy, a lot of complicated tracks with fast double bass are really hard to get right on IEMs, you either have quick balanced amateur drivers that give you speed, but sound dead and lack impact, or you have dynamic drivers with good punch and volume, but sluggish decay (for small diameter dynamic drivers at least). These give you the best of both world, as someone who loves fast punchy bass planar is the way to go imo
Mids and highs are actually pretty wonky out of the box, tiny weird dips at 4khz and peak at 8khz but Audeze provides you with dll EQ plugin that fixes everything, probably because the driver is so small compared to their full sized planar drivers so it's really hard to tune right, good thing is that they have really low distortion you can EQ the heck out of them, it's not really fair to comment the mids and highs of the stock sound, but after EQ vocals are really natural, not too close or too far, and it has just the right amount of sparkling highs to add air without being fatiguing.
The only thing is that they fit really weird and very different than regular IEMs, I don't usually have problems with IEMs but the ear hook mechanism is not the most comfortable, the hook is parallel to the face of the headphone so the hook is almost squeezing the outer part of your ear against the driver:
I'm trying to 3d print a headband like this to turn them into some sort of "overhead in-ear open-back planar" monstrosity hahaha:
I'll see how it goes