Seeing all reviews etc looks like regular CPU is around 40C idle/750-80C load, then GPU is about 40C idle/80-85C load.
Is that right guys? ANyone who has this case could confirm?
By load I mean gaming, not some heavy tests.
I can confirm this is the case with new Zen2 CPUs. Both 3700X and 3600 behave like this because those are not really 65W TDP CPUs but they have 88W socket power limit by default. AMD simply did the same thing what intel was doing for few generations now by stating the TDP for CPU without the boost enabled and the boost is pulling power outside the rated TDP.
Zen2 is really aggressive when it comes to "race to idle" and it'll take some time before the bios/drivers/power plan will get optimised so any insignificant load won't push the turbo unnecessarily when just browsing web etc.
Also the second thing is that AMD has made it that way ryzen master will show the mean/average temp of the cores and not the max temp from the cores, and they are stating those temps are safe for those chips. It's the same as with macbooks hitting 80 or 90 degrees or GPUs turbo boosting till they reach 80 or 85 degrees. We just need to get used to that change. (Btw there was a time when GPUs were hitting 140c iirc

The max temp for Zen2 is 95c and there is no lower target temp that manages turbo to throttle back as it was in previous CPUs, so it'll start throttling when closely approaching 95c and not like it was before around 70~80c.
The not cool part about whole thing is that TDP ratings are now fake all over the board for both intel and amd and amd is shipping 65W TDP Ryzen 7 3700X that's actually 88W PPT with 125W TDP rated Wraith Prism stock cooler and the same 65W TDP Ryzen 5 3600 that's 88W PPT with actual 65W TDP Wraith Stealth cooler and the whole thing hits the SFF using LP coolers the most.
Things you can do to mitigate this:
1) update your bios to most recent one
2) try slight undervolt on the cpu, for some it does magic while even slightly improving performance
3) tweak your power plan. Limit the max clock to 4100 MHz, the power draw starts rising significantly over this mark
4) Enable ECO "45W" mode - it'll actually limit your total socket power to 60W iirc.
5) Disable turbo boost in bios (core performance boost) if you are not okay with those kind of temperatures, but it'll effectively remove the gains of Zen2 from your CPU.