I design minimalistic – but not boring – PC stuff
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Hey THORZONE team.
You have some contradicting messaging around US/CAD shipping.
From Sunday 5/2/21
From Friday 5/7/21
On Sunday you made a clear statement that shipping would begin Thursday. Friday we find out that shipping labels and instructions manual are not complete/recieved and you have not even booked all the shipments. It is clear you had no intentions of shipping Thursday. Why make that statement?
I really really want to continue to give you all the benefit of the doubt. You're a new company navigating international business, shipping, and all the logistics that come along during Covid. I understand this.
However your messaging regarding shipping and the costs associated with it leads me to believe one of two things.
1. You are creating artificial delays until completion of ALL cases allowing one pick up from UPS to save on costs.
2. You are creating messaging based off what we WANT to hear instead of what is actually happening.
If that is the case just be truthful with your customers.
All we really want are realistic expectations.
Disappoint only happens when expectations are not met.
As a business, especially a brand new one that is going to live or die based on customer reviews you must Under Promise and Over Deliver.
If the expectation was set that cases would be delivered in August and you get it done July everyone is happy.
I just want to be happy for you and your company.
So please, what is the REAL timeframe on shipping?
UPS pickup costs are basically negligible as long as we ship 10 cases or more, so we're not creating artificial delays. The reason for the contradictions is that we're operating new software (UPS worldship) and our shipments are very complicated. Both we and UPS were confused about exactly how to ship them and sometimes I speak way too soon (I get excited and want to tell everyone straight away...rather than wait and double-verify). However, we've worked out most of it now.