WRONG -i bought my NCASE M1 V6.1 in march THIS YEAR in COVID TIMES! and have less trouble with shipping. Covid is not the anser for every thing my friend
Sure, but i read some tutorials online but there are from 2011 and a lot have changed. in conclusion i pay 234 Euro(incl.sfflab"shipping") for the case and 85 Euro for the import (30 Euro gdsk, 15 Euro import; 40 Euro taxes). For comparions i paid 260 Euro (case+taxes) for my Ncase and its from china too. I hope he check the shiiping for the next batch for germany its a big mess.
*the case chilling now in frankfurt -> i hope it arrives next week.
At this point I feel you are beeing ignorant or something.
I paid 245$ (black + shipping).
That was a charge of 218,69€ (3rd friday batch).
I did customs declaration myself and it was exactly 33,49€.
All in all it was 252,18€ for me. So I went even cheaper than your Ncase.
The 15€ Import you are talking about was also because you were too lazy. (you left things to GDSK)
If you just search GDSK on YouTube, one of the first Videos is this one:
You can just copy everything he filled out except personal data...
Also, if you would have asked, I would have linked you the video no problem.
Just a little reminder: GDSK doesn't want to rip you off, they are a service provider. If you order something at a restaurant, they will ask you, if you want to have a drink too, rather than pointing to the next shopping center. GDSK asks if they should do the service for you with all its consequences instead of leave you to customs instantly. You can even call GDSK and get helpful answers in native German!
Enough rant. If someone needs help in filling out German custom declarations, just shoot me a message here or over at reddit (u/aexeq)
Edit: I forgot the 1,55€ sending the custom declaration to customs via postal service. That is obviously a big difference! *no sarcasm at all