Yeah, given that I have an Aquanaut I'm not going AIO any time soon, though if I was starting now I'd either go air or an EK or Arctic AIO - those perform so well that custom is kind of pointless. The main benefit is of course the option for a single consolidated loop, which QDCs makes feasible, but the cost when starting from scratch? Nah. I'd just get a case that can fit 3-slot GPUs, and possibly deshroud it. It's taken me four years to get to a point where I feel I have all the fittings and components I need for an easily maintained and upgraded loop, and ... I don't want to think about how much money. I went for the cheapest QDCs I could find, and even those were about €100 for the five sets i needed. Luckily I haven't had any leaks or spills (the EK leak testing kit is cheap insurance against that! Though when I pulled apart my loop to clean it (first time, after four years, still nearly spotless!) recently I did find that my EK GPU block had
a ton of loose screws. Very, very impressed that it hadn't leaked, as there was pretty much no pressure on the gasket between the cold plate and the acetal front plate

I actually suspect that coil whine from the GPU has vibrated them loose over the years, as it can get pretty bad in menus with uncapped fps and the like. If that isn't terrifying, I dont know what is
We'll see if I end up getting a water block for my upcoming GPU upgrade - if I ever get it, that is - or if I just keep using the water loop as an AIO-esque setup.