3d printed. Works great.
Heatsink is 32mm. Adapter is 2mm, using Noctua's A9x14, you will get 48mm height.
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How does this compare to the fan it came with?
Do you think the 120 mm offset version will work with motherboards which have the RAM on the side opposite the I/O? Also what's the total height of the cooler with this fan setup? I'm guessing close to 60 mm because it has to clear the I/O? Either way it looks really useful
The shapeways edition has tighter tolerance. The regular versions were tested with a regular PLA printer so it had tolerances meant for PLA.
You can download the STL, upload it to shapeways, and order it yourself. I cannot guarantee the fitment of any shapeways print as I have only tested PLA. The shapeways version for the 92mm was after I got some feedback from someone who requested some changes for shapeways printing.
The 120mm do not have shapeways edition. The 120mm version will give you slightly worse performance due to airflow not being concentrated on the cooler, but it helps with noise since the cooler is now has a height of 32+fan height. If you choose a scythe fan, it can be 44mm total height. A 15mm fan gets you back to 47mm which causes turbulance.
Shapeways is the printer so you can order the same colors/options as Lazer3D.
So maybe sticking with a Noctua NF-A9x14 (32mm heatsink + 2mm fan adapter bracket + 14mm fan = 48mm) would be the best option for improved cooling...?
The turbulence noise should not be an issue here, as the LZ7 does not have the HSF assembly up against any vented panels or such...
thanks a lot about stl. it´s great
i have a problem. how can i unstall original fan without breaking notthing?
Thanks a lot. Do you say if exists some video about it?
92mm: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2311157
120mm fan adapter http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2313969