Stalled BlackLight Presents: Sion (10.6L) Console Case


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Temps look good, I'm assuming they're for under load?

What's the issue with the cable management? Is there not enough space for the cables as they are now, or do they not bend into the positions you imagined for routing?

For the GPU mounting, I think most of them have something for the riser cable to screw into, so the PCB can add support, plus the retention screw by the back plate. Is there a spot for the retention screw on the back plate?

As for SSD placement, behind the GPU might not be the best place given how hot that can get and the GPU issues you're having. Is there enough space on the front panel to mount them there?

The case itself looks really good, I especially like the way the RGB shines through.
1. Yes the first image shown is under 30 minute load with prime 95. My ryzen 5 3600 was at all stock settings (the voltage was high but thats a ryzen 3rd gen problem i need to fix in bios.) My room was around 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 23.8 Celsius.

2. Its a bit of both,i need to pay around with how im routing them before i assume its the case,but at the same time the 24 pin is a nightmare to route.

3. For the gpu im considering adding another screw hole in the back panel that'll hold the bottom in place while the bent area in the back holds it up. I need p continue to play around with he hole placement back there too.

4. There isn't enough space to mount it up front as of now. Im currently looking into another way to mount them without them interfering with the power button cable and psu cables like they currently do.

Ill be heading up to a machine shop in the morning to get a few on the easier parts done, then I'll head back and continue editing the design.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Small update:
I'll be ordering some new L-Brackets next week to secure this case to itself. Other than that,i've been playing/using the PC all day today with the new case and i can say it looks and feels nice. I'm going to change the support back to slim fans since (judging from my cable management in this small space) its kind of dangerous to use full sized fans. I'll also say that the fans behind the GPU are definitely putting in work since i Overclocked my Ryzen 5 3600 to 4Ghz at 1.3 volts and the temperature hasnt hit over 62 degrees celcius. My GPU has an idle mode where the fans wont spin unless its under real stress,and i can note that all three fans have never been on at the same time. My room has been roughly 22 degrees celcuis all day today.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Good morning everyone, after building and rebuilding my case i came to a few conclusions. Theres alot of little things within the case that annoyed me to death while i was using it. The number 1 biggest thing was the small L-Brackets that i had to constantly keep track of,or risk them coming loose or falling off on me. This prompted me to rethink the design a bit and i came up with this.

The entire right side has been redone. I fused the L-Brackets and top panel to the right panel that way everything you need to attach (minus the GPU) will go on here. After attaching everything,the front and back can be attached only by lining up the holes on the right panel. NO MORE separate Brackets needed. With that changed,the next question is what happens to the left panel.

Here the left panel is smaller and can slightly swivel open,should you need to just slightly open the case. There are 1.5mm gaps between the front/back and side panels for more air and to allow this swivel. Video here.

The last update was the GPU hold-down bracket and the SSD cage. The reasoning here was that since i couldnt stop the power supply wires from going through the SSD are and making them a bit unstable,I'd make an actual cage and reduce the SSD capacity to 2 here...or 4 if you want to deal with the cable clutter. Now they will be more stable and i can use the cage as a tiedown point for the other cables. Next,the GPU holder, its just a small piece of metal that'll hold the GPU straight against the backpanel. No much to say there.

Little things like the PCIE cable i have being a little stiff isn't something i can fix. Fan cables getting caught in the fan is a cable management problem i should've noticed.

Tell me what you think


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
With these recent changed,it costs $100 less to make this prototype versus the previous one. It is safe to assume this will translate to the final product being cheaper to produce. If my assumption is right,and my math is correct,i may be able to use the same company i used to make the prototype and be able to get the case out to the consumer in half the time. Please take this with a grain of salt,but should this work,i may be sticking with the version 2.

Edit 07/28/2020
Shipping always gets me,so im back to the other company i had talked to. Shipping will still take roughly a month.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
August 03,2020 Change
  1. Moved GPU Placement up by 12.5mm
    1. Gave more room for PCIE cable and SSDs
  2. Moved Fans and SSDs up by 7.5mm
    1. Gave more room for Power Supply wires
  3. Expanded SSD cage by 10mm.
    1. This should allow power supply wires to slide between the ssds and allow better cable management while also keeping the 4 SSD slots that i wanted.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Personal Update:
I have completely switch over to the new case and have been using it for the last 3 weeks as my main rig. I have to say i love it not only since im the one that designed it,but i actually notice the large amount of extra desk room i have to just throw stuff around. Its much more silent than my previous rig and i almost forget that its there.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Oh my,been about a week since the last update.
Product Update:
Will be getting some final adjustments made to the case,then after that it'll be making a website and finally restarting the indiegogo/kickstarter page.I'll be sure to upload pictures of the final product. No more prototypes now.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Final Product Design should be here within the next week. I'll be custom painting mine, but ill upload photos of it with only the black coat. Thank you to everyone who was/is interested in this case. I do humbly apologize for the problems I've been having dealing with it over the last few months. Hopefully this should be the end of that.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
This project will need to go on break for roughly a month. Once again my product was messed up by a mistake at the manufacturer and honestly I'm tired of this consistently happening. I wont be changing it to Stalled just yet since i will be updating you all on what's going on, but as of right now I'm far too frustrated to think clearly. I do apologize, i hope you all have a great day.

On a side note, the redesign was a success in terms of ease to build in.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
1 Month Later and I'm happy to say its done. The updated pictures and fit have been pushed to the original OP. Everything i wanted to fit actually fits including the 4 1TB SSDs. The cable are a bit of a hassle and if you aren't on point with your management (Like ME) one of the screw holes for the left panel wont actually allow you to close it. I could make the case a bit bigger to make this easier but I'm already over the 10L point that i wanted. I'll think over this later.

I humbly apologize for how long it took, sadly manufacturers and college classes have been screwing me over since i started this project.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Been around 15 days now,and so far I still like it. The 1mm gaps between the front and back panels dont bother me like i thought they would. At this point, I still need to mess with my cable management and get down to painting. Note: The FINAL PRODUCT WILL COME POWDER COATED BLACK. I just chose not to have mine painted since i plane on making a custom one.
Things i want to mess around with still:
  1. Ventilation
  2. Cable Management Points
  3. More Customization Options
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Tomorrow, I'll be adjusting a few bits in the design of the case. The biggest changes will be for me to close alot of the little gaps in between some of the panels. Another thing I'll be looking into will be messing with other ventilation patterns.
I'm going to be a bit honest here,Im stuck....Its unprofessional for me to say that, but we're all human here and its a good time for me to say this. I think I've lost the vision i had for this case. I will continue to work on/improve it,but I just thought I'd get that off my chest.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Messing around with the front/back panel. Im thinking of basically having the right and left panels be held on by 2 screws at the top, then it'll "hang" from there


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020

View on the current testing I've been working on. I think I might like this design a bit more.Its 0.1L bigger than the previous one though.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
I'll be ending this project as of now. I just don't see it going anywhere anymore. I'll be going back to the drawing board.
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SFF Lingo Aficionado
Original poster
Apr 3, 2020
Am currently working on something called Haku. It will be similar to the Velka 7 but I'll be keeping the 4 SSDs and it is currently 10L. I wont be showing anything off until i can get a working prototype down.
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