@yeahe - ML
No, I have not tested it yet, I only checked the ability to print using 3dhubs. No printing problems were detected (creating a .stl before loading into 3dhubs).
In my experience, printing holes on a vertical surface can be tricky, but still much better than having two horizontal surfaces at different heights in the same part (where you need to put spacers to print the detail correctly).
I will be able to print in May, I think.
Can you upload only 2 parts - USB 3.0 and Power + Audio connectors so that I can check the intersections?
I will test for myself the thermal efficiency of 200 mm versus 140 mm on top (actually 200 mm versus 120 mm, because I do not have a 2nd 140 mm fan
Installing the lower skin of the case, apparently, greatly affects the thermal performance, while rendering images (in Rhino 3D), the processor heats up to 73 with a power consumption of 150 W at max.
Therefore, I think to check the thermal performance by replacing the lower skin with dust filters.