Power Supply SilverStone SX800-LTI - 800W Titanium-rated SFX-L


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
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Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Review's up!

It hasn't even been a full year since the SX700-LPT came out, and yet Silverstone has already one-upped themselves on both wattage and efficiency with their just-released unit, the SX800-LTI. For those not familiar with Silverstone's current SFF PSU model number scheme, that amalgam of numbers and letters translates to a 800W, SFX-L form factor, Titanium-rated efficiency, fully-modular power supply. Yes, seriously.

Read more here.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Excellent review ! I'll be snap-buying one of these as soon as they hit the EU for a reasonable price (around MSRP).


Average Stuffer
Dec 26, 2016
Holy crap that's a lot of power. Looks like they found a new fan to use for it as well :p

I agree that it has more power than anyone will actually need for an SFF case though it's nice to prove that SFX units can be just as good as top-end ATX units.
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Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
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Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
I'll be snap-buying one of these as soon as they hit the EU for a reasonable price (around MSRP).

Yeah, here you can buy one from Aerocooler but it's $50 shipping :\ http://www.ebay.com/itm/Silverstone...nium-SFX-L-Modular-Power-Supply-/252690719012

I've noticed the same thing from them happen with other new products, I think they get a small batch airshipped to sell to those who just can't wait.

Looks like they found a new fan to use for it as well :p

It's not bad but it's not great either. I plan to put the slim Noctua 120mm whenever it eventually decides to show up into this thing.

I'll have to figure out how to get the fan curve to somewhat match the stock fan so the PSU doesn't run too hot and shorten the lifespan of the components but then I think I'll finally have my perfect SFF PSU.
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Virtual Realist
May 11, 2015
That's about right, but tack on an extra £10 to £30 (depending on carrier) for the 'handling charge' the carrier will ask of you for the privilege of them charging you the customs fees.
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Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
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Feb 22, 2015
It could still use some improvement but it's definitely a big step up over the SX600-G's "intelligent" fan control.

They've accounted for the low load/high temp issue of the SX700-LPT so really the only problem is the fan starts at a lower load than I would like. But I suspect it's not strictly necessary and SilverStone is just being a bit conservative but I asked about it, so we'll see.


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Still, 155-160W isn't just "idle" anymore, unless one's using an unoptimized overclocked platform that doesn't scale voltage along with the clocks or have some power slurping hardware (water pump, certain USB-powered peripherals, much storage).

But in the end it could very well power a few less demanding games on a modern platform when using V-sync or frame rate control. Watching a movie or browsing the web shouldn't consume more than that or something's wrong. We have people on the forum who build entire PCs with that power budget.


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
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Feb 22, 2015
Ok, according to Tony the 20% threshold was set by the engineering team based on reliability testing.

But you're right, modern systems at idle should be able to run consistently fanless. I was just hoping it could even run fanless at high gaming load with mid-range hardware, that'd be sweet.


Caliper Novice
Jun 20, 2015
Great review, Aiboh!

But it seems like Silverstone once again doesn't quite get the fan+fan controller behavior perfect.

Does anyone have any ideas about good substitutes for the OEM fan - fans that start at or at less than 3.4V, but at a lower RPM?
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Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Original poster
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Does anyone have any ideas about good substitutes for the OEM fan - fans that start at or at less than 3.4V, but at a lower RPM?

I have no issue with this fan controller implementation, it seems to cover all the edge cases safely. The fan spinning up at 20% load is less than ideal but if it's needed for long-term reliability then so be it.

Swapping the fan out with something that starts at a lower RPM would help but there currently isn't one that I know of that would be a drop-in replacement that's any better than the stock fan.

That's why I'm anxiously waiting for the Noctua to release.