
Trash Compacter
Jul 15, 2015
Yeah man. This is the sort of project I would be doing, if I had more time. Keep up the great work!


Original poster
Jan 11, 2016
Yeah man. This is the sort of project I would be doing, if I had more time. Keep up the great work!

Thank you! :)

Today I received a small package in the mail, the last part for the build.

What can this be?

Yay! A 5cm PCIe riser-cable from Sintech. Took a while to find one that would fit the build. Thanks to @michaelmitchell for the advice!


Im really happy with this little part, perfect size. :)

Best regards,
Johan Nyman


Original poster
Jan 11, 2016
Such a packed little box. Win :D

Thanks! :)

Time for another update, Dreamhack Summer is getting closer and I get more work and personal stuff to do, so I am a bit stressed, if it gets to much Ill just skip the modding contest, modding projects should not be stressed I think. Enough with that, lets see some photos.

I re-stocked some aluminium today, 2000x1000x2mm. :D

I also changed some of the design, instead of cutting out the holes directly in the panels, I wanted to make fan-grills, that will be painted matt-black together with some other small details. As I have a bit limited time I got help from a friend, Laine, a extremely talented modder. He helped out with the fan-grills.

This is how they ended up, the one with stripes will be on the outside of the case.

The one with the sails will be here, on the NHL9i.

I started to cut out the hole in the frontpanel.

Filed down the shape and edges.

This is how it ended up, the other fangrill with stripes will be on the sidepanel.

Next thing to do is to start cutting out the both sidepanels.

This is the right sidepanel/bottom which I bent in my small sheet bender.

Two cubes were installed to the bottom of the case which will be screwed together with the right sidepanel/bottom piece to make the upper case look like its "floating".

Onto the left sidepanel/top piece, bent in a angle.

This is how it ended up, the case is starting to take some shape now.

Thats it for tonight. Next thing to do is to file down the sidepanels so everything fits better and start drilling holes to be able to mount everything together. A window will be cut out in the top to so its possible to see some watercooling stuff and hardware.

The hole for the 92mm fan on the side needs to be cut out as well. The fangrills, IO-cover and pump-mount will be painted mattblack too. Case will be polished up.

Hopefully I will be back in a few days with another update.

Best regards,
Johan Nyman


Original poster
Jan 11, 2016
Lets update a little bit, a lot has gone good, a lot has gone bad. Lets start with the bad, I rushed to finish the build for Dreamhack Summer 2017 and two days before the graphics card died, I tried everything but sadly it was completely dead. At the same time my phone died where I had most of the photos from the build process.

The good part though is that I was able to kind of finish the build for Dreamhack, I still could use the PC via the onboard graphics, however with a lot of time went into trying to fix the graphics card I was not able to get the perfect fit with all the panels. However, I have time so I will fix everything, there will be new hardware as well, more on that later. Lets see some photos?

The fan-grills, IO-cover and PCIe bracket painted black.

The "SAIL" fan-grill went onto the cooler.

I want to put a lot of time into the cable-management using the P-clips from MDPC.

This is how the build ended up looking for Dreamhack Summer 2017, as you see the panels dont fit perfectly together. But that will be fixed!

The best thing about Dreamhack Summer 2017 is their modding contest, I was happy to get the 2nd place in their Open Class, the best thing though were the bonus prizes that I got, Member Choice from Sweclockers, Best SFF and Best Scratchbuild, that gave me 4000SEK at Webhallen, a swedish reseller so that was awesome, now I will be able to get a new working graphics card as well as a new CPU and motherboard.

As soon as I get the new hardware I will be starting to put everything together in a better way, putting the custom loop together and get a better fit for everything.

Best regards,
Johan Nyman


Asus RMA sucks
Marsupial Computing
Dec 22, 2016
I would, but it's a little far for me to travel when I'm in school. In regards to location, I live in the south bay, near Palo Alto.


King of Cable Management
Apr 28, 2017
Really nice build overall, you got a lot of skills there to fabricate the whole package. Nice tools you have to bend the metal like that, it looks cleanly done. Very nice cable work too. I want to learn that..


Original poster
Jan 11, 2016
Well after Dreamhack I wanted to fix this project as the graphics card died, so I decided to change almost everything out.

Together with that I will be using Asus GTX 1050ti Phoenix which will be watercooled. For the CPU I went for the Intel Core i3 8100, I also decided to go for Corsair's Vengeance RGB and MP500.

Im excited over all these parts and now I can finally finish up this project, first of all Im going to run some tests on the i3 8100 compared to the i5 8400.

This is by far the best looking Mini-ITX motherboard I ever used and it will fit perfect into the black and silver theme.

The Vengeance RGB ram will also work good as I can choose exactly the color I want.

I will need less cables now too with the MP500 ssd and the GTX 1050ti which does not need any cables.

Finally the CPU, I went for the i3 8100 as I think it is a perfect match for the GTX 1050ti and I also have a powerlimit of 150W as Im using a Pico-PSU.

After the testing of the CPU's I will start putting the build together so a update should come pretty soon.

Best regards,
Johan Nyman
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