
Spatial Philosopher
Jul 7, 2017
Look forward to your test results. I am considering the i5 8400 for an upcoming build and am curious how it performs.


Original poster
Jan 11, 2016
So, now when CURV3D is finally 100% complete I can start working on finishing up the next old project.

Stuff always seem to come in between modding for me, this build was put on hold after the graphics card died, the one I bought from ASUS did not fit any waterblock either, so I ended up selling that and now I finally found something on Aliexpress, both a 1050Ti and a fitting waterblock for it.

I started working out the loop. A custom reservoir will be made, still working on the last details for that.

The to-do list looks like this:
  • Plan out the loop.
  • Modifiy the grahics card to be able to mount on the backpanel.
  • Brush all the aluminium-panels and clearcoat.
Looking forward to finish up this project so I can start on something new. :)

Best regards,
Johan Nyman