NICE job, hat! They look great...and yeah, sleeving is a pain. Larry (amazing dude) from HDPLEX has suggested that he might be making a new set of cables for the S4 Mini that are the best size for it, and I also have two other customers who are looking at offering pre-sleeved sets for the Mini. They will get my business if the quality is good because I HATE SLEEVING!!!!
In the meantime you can order a set of cables from
Primochill and then repin them to match the HDPLEX pinouts.
Also the paint chipping looks really bad, hat. I'm happy that you caught the weak powdercoat job before any more shipped to customers, but I'm sad that you got such a bad set. I think there was one other customer that got a bad set too before I realized I needed to repaint them all myself--I think I replaced his panels but I can repaint them for you too if you know who you are.