Here's another entry. Very late to the party, and it will be destroyed by current hardware, but I don't mind. Been a long time fan of the PPL competition and wanted to be a part of it.
Case: fully custom sandwich-style with external fan. 115mm x 192mm x 246mm. Screws holding side panels added 2.5mm to all sides. Corner tabs added 1mm to top and bottom. +.239L for external fan.
Total volume= 5.67L
How did you calculate the 0.239 litre volume for the fan?
Meh, with a few extra bucks on an aftermarket cooler, it'd fit fine. Consider it a hotrod build. I'll allow it. (And have done similar in the past)
I suppose we could add the category of "hotrod" build or as an open air case . . .
. . . ..with a rectangular block and cylindrical/rectangular block . .. .
Bounding box is bounding box...! Otherwise, a "Hot Rod Exemption" could lead to a BeQuiet! tower cooler sticking out of an Inwin Chopin...! ;^p
or a rectangular block and rectangular block . .. .
we would just all need to agree on the definition. . .